Original topic:

What are these glowing circles on my TV?

(Topic created: 11-29-2023 12:03 PM)

20231124_151318.jpg 3 years old tv. Samsung 55tu8000. In the recent months, shadows accross the borders of the tv and those circles began to appear.  

-sorry for the bad quality image.

2 Replies
If I'm correct there are little clear plastic discs that have come unglued and fallen to the bottom of the inside of your TV. I had that happen to me once. It can be repaired, but note that the glue on other discs will also have been degrading over time and are soon going to do the same thing.

*edit: I could be entirely wrong however, because I didn't experience the edge shadows when it happened to an LG. Just the light circles that appeared at each spot that a plastic disc had fallen off.
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If you’re experiencing picture issues with your TV such as freezing, a flickering or cloudy screen, dark spots, or distorted colors, you can solve them using a few different methods. Running a picture test, doing an HDMI test, and updating the firmware can help you determine how to fix the problems.


Run a Picture Test on the TV.

On 2021 TV models: Navigate to Settings, select Device Care, and then select Self Diagnosis. Select Picture Test, select OK, and then view the test. You can select Yes if the picture looks normal, No if there is a problem with the picture, or Show again to see the picture a second time.
On previous TV models: Navigate to Settings, select Support, and then select Self Diagnosis. Select Picture Test, and then follow the on-screen directions.


Determine if the dark spots are appearing during the Picture Test.
Look for the spots on the screen during the Picture Test. If there are no spots, this means your TV is working fine. To identify and fix the issue, first try replacing the cable of the external device that is showing lines.

If the spots still appear after replacing the cable, troubleshoot the external device.

If spots appear during the Picture Test, proceed to the next step.


Test the HDMI cable.
Some TVs have an HDMI cable test. The test is designed for HDMI cables less than 2m long and may not produce good results on longer cords.

On 2021 TV models: To perform the test, navigate to Settings. Select Device Care, select Self Diagnosis, and then select HDMI Troubleshooting. Select the HDMI connection you'd like to test, and then follow the instructions on the TV.
On previous TV models: To perform the test, make sure the TV's source is still on the HDMI setting for the cable you want to test, and then navigate to Settings. Select Support, select Self Diagnosis, and then select Signal Information. Select HDMI Cable Test, and then select Start Test.
If the test says there is an issue with the cable, replace the cable.


Adjust the brightness level on the TV.
The brightness level can be adjusted from 0 - 50. Press the Home button. Then navigate to Settings > Picture > Expert Settings > Brightness. Turn the brightness up or down until you are happy with the way it looks.


Enable Intelligent Mode
Intellegent Mode will adjust the brighness automatically depending on the content being displayed. Press the Home button. The navigate to Settings >  General > Intelligent Mode Setting.


Try a different picture mode
Change the picture mode to a different option to see if the brightness looks more appealing. Press the Home button. Then navigate to Settings > Picture > Picture Mode.


Update the firmware over the network
If your TV is connected to the internet, follow these steps:

Press the Home button on your remote.
Navigate to and select Settings (gear icon).
Navigate to Support > Software Update > Update Now.
Your TV will check for the update and should start downloading the update.
After the update is installed the TV will shut down and restart.
Once the TV restarts, press and hold the Power button on your remote until the TV turns off and back on.

Download the firmware from Samsung.com
If your TV is not connected to the internet, follow these steps to update the firmware:

On your computer, navigate to the support page for your TV.
Click Downloads, and download firmware version 1301.5.
Extract the firmware to the root of a USB thumb drive. (Do not put it in any folders on the thumb drive.) If you do not have a USB thumb drive, you can find one on our website.
Connect the USB thumb drive to a USB port on your TV.
Navigate to Settings > Support > Software Update, select Update Now, and then select Yes.
The TV will install the update and then restart.
Once the TV restarts, press and hold the Power button on your remote until the TV turns off and back on.

Note: Software updates generally take a few minutes, so do not turn off the TV until the update is complete.
Video and audio settings may be reset to their default settings after a software update.


It could also be what GalaxyS23UltraW6C mentioned.


If these steps do not help I recommend letting a service technician have a look. As we would like to gather additional information and look at this on a case-by-case basis, please provide the full model code and serial number of the device as well as your best contact phone number, name, and email.  


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