Original topic:

Q990c audio drop outs

(Topic created: 11-30-2023 03:45 AM)
Home Theater

I updated my Q990c  sound bar to firmware 1004 and I’m experiencing random one second audio drop outs when playing content from the TV’s native apps (prime video etc.). The sound bar is connected to the S90c oled (firmware 1310.3). The drop outs are fairly infrequent and happen about 20 to 30 mins apart. I’ve factory reset both the tv and the soundbar. Still getting the dropouts. Not sure which device is causing the issue.

7 Replies
Home Theater

Did you try a different hdmi cable?

that fixed it for me.

Home Theater

I switched them out today. Need a bit of time to see if the audio drops with these. Regardless I believe there is an issue with eARC mode on the tv. I found an audio sample from a movie that glitches in eARC mode. The same thing occurs using both sets of hdmi 2.1 cables. When eARC mode is turned off, the sound plays normally. I believe this could be related to the dropouts I experienced. Most likely a firmware bug.

Home Theater

Switching out the cables did not fix the issue. Experienced one second dropout in both arc and eARC modes within 40 mins while playing content from prime video via tv’s native apps. The other audio glitch I described occurs only in eARC mode during the movie “elf” on the Apple TV app. Also, so far I’ve experienced no audio dropout via sources over hdmi (4k player, Apple TV box). These devices are connected directly to my soundbar. I only experience issues when audio is sourced from the tv. Which makes me think it’s an issue with the TV’s firmware, but I just don’t know. I’ve also done trouble shooting (turning on and off, plugging and unplugging, and factory resets on tv and bar). Firmware on both devices is up to date. Tv 1310.3, bar 1004.

Home Theater

I am having the same issue. Q90 tv. Any fix?

Home Theater

No I haven’t found a fix. Which issue are you experiencing, the audio dropout? I’m in contact with a Samsung quality assurance engineer. He is currently trying to replicate the issue. I will update once I have more information 

Home Theater

Also, are you using the q990c with firmware 1004?

Community Manager
Community Manager
Home Theater

Hi there, Thanks so much for posting about this. I know how frustrating audio drop outs can be. The good news is, this can often be resolved with some quick and easy troubleshooting steps. The link below will walk you through what steps to take for this. 


However, once these steps are completed, if the audio is still dropping out, the unit will require service. There are a few options here we can take based on your warranty status. 
If you’re in the one-year manufacturer’s warranty, please gather together the full model and serial number of your unit, and have ready your name, street address, 2 phone numbers (Best contact, alternative number), email, and place of purchase. Provide this information to an agent, in one of the following options below:
1.) Reach out to a Moderator directly, by selecting our name and the message option. When messaging please use a link to this thread in addition to the info above.
2.) Reach out to us on Facebook or Twitter. Please provide the same info as above, as well as the link to your thread.
3.) You can also contact 1-800-726-7864, if you’d like to speak with a live agent about this situation.
4.) Last, if you wish to speak with a live agent and don’t want to call in, you can reach out to our Live Chat team. 
If you’re out of the one-year manufacturer’s warranty: 
1. You can utilize this link to locate an authorized service center in your area to obtain estimates for repairs: http://www.Samsung.com/us/support/service/location or reach out to any local repair shop.
2. The other option, would be a replacement of the unit. Samsung.com offers amazing deals on different models that may be to your liking, check out those deals here: https://www.samsung.com/us/televisions-home-theater/home-theater/all-home-theater/