Original topic:

Galaxy Watch series not counting floors

(Topic created: 10-31-2019 10:28 AM)
Galaxy Watch

I've had the Galaxy watch for about a day now, and it's only registered 1 floor.  I've probably done 25-30.  My house floors are more than the 10 feet it says it needs to count a floor.  I'm not sure if this is an issue with the hardware, or the software.  Is anyone else having an issue? 

229 Replies
Galaxy Watch

watch was counting floors no problems for the first few months then seemed to go crazy then realised it was not resetting each day and then was   just adding it to a running total eg 10 flights a day starteing Monday would show 10 then the next day would do another ten so total would be 20 and so on for the week after a few weeks of that it suddenly just stopped counting after reading this lot changed the eleptical and rowing suggestions as suggested and also the watch face to a fairly plain one called Dashboard which is also a free download and customisable settings then changed to show battery date floors and weather FLOOR COUNT NOW SEEMS TO BE WORKING on both the watch dial and the app however it did take a few minuites to register the first coule of floors but after that seemed to register almost as fast as I  got up the stairs 

Galaxy Watch

Seems to be a problem with the altimeter. After climbing a flight of stairs, it only registers a change of 7-8 ft.  If I raise my hand up in the air at the top of the stairs, it gets those last couple feet to get it over 10 ft and count a floor.  The altimeter itself might not be fixable if it's a hardware issue. But it could be mitigated by allowing users to adjust the height of a "floor." 10 ft might be reality but if I could adjust my device to count a floor at 8 ft it seems like it would count more reliably since the sensor is not that accurate.

Galaxy Watch

I think that you are probably right that the issue is with the altimeter or the way it calculates elevation based on barometric pressure. My home is at an elevation of about 120 feet. I have calibrated the altimeter to register that. The problem is that when the barometric pressure changes, so does my elevation. Either I am doing something wrong or the device does not work properly. The other day, I visited a location that is at least 100 feet higher but it registered at about 20 ft. I love my watch but this feature is a waste of time. 

@userdVr6Vw8vRH wrote:

Seems to be a problem with the altimeter. After climbing a flight of stairs, it only registers a change of 7-8 ft.  If I raise my hand up in the air at the top of the stairs, it gets those last couple feet to get it over 10 ft and count a floor.  The altimeter itself might not be fixable if it's a hardware issue. But it could be mitigated by allowing users to adjust the height of a "floor." 10 ft might be reality but if I could adjust my device to count a floor at 8 ft it seems like it would count more reliably since the sensor is not that accurate.

@userdVr6Vw8vRH wrote:

Seems to be a problem with the altimeter. After climbing a flight of stairs, it only registers a change of 7-8 ft.  If I raise my hand up in the air at the top of the stairs, it gets those last couple feet to get it over 10 ft and count a floor.  The altimeter itself might not be fixable if it's a hardware issue. But it could be mitigated by allowing users to adjust the height of a "floor." 10 ft might be reality but if I could adjust my device to count a floor at 8 ft it seems like it would count more reliably since the sensor is not that accurate.


Galaxy Watch

I have cracked it finally. The floor counter will increment by 1 only if we climb more than 9 ft. My floor has 13 steps which measures slightly less than 9ft so what I did was,


1. Calibrate my alti-barometer

2. Simply started from the bottom of the floor, climbed as normal by making hand movements all the way to the top and then lifted my hand where I wore my watch. The lifting of the hand is important to trick the software that I have climbed more than 9 ft and had to do this because my floor was slightly less than 9 ft

Galaxy Watch

Using ger sport watch with pixel3 phone ... health app will not count floors.. solution below is unclear... settings>apps on phone gives no 3 dots

Galaxy Watch

My Gear Fit has never been accurate at floor counts. I'm looking to switch to the Active 2 soon, so good to know that years later, they haven't fixed this issue yet! How hard can it be?

Galaxy Watch

From what I read in the help section on the watch, it counts a floor as 17 steps.

I don't live in a mansion, my stairways are only 10-12 steps. The fix would be to allow the user to set the number of stairs in the floor counter.

Galaxy Watch

My older Gear Fit 2 actually tracked both steps and stairs better than my more expensive and new Galaxy Watch.  Only Samsung can take a step backwards and call it progress.

Galaxy Watch

I realize this is an old thread, but I found it so I'm sure others will still be searching this issue.


A 4 month old reddit post helped me get an accurate floor count each and every time I go upstairs in my house.


While walking up the stairs, I make sure to swing my arm, much like power walking. Once I reach the landing, I raise my arm all the way above my head. I did this last night 4 times in a row and my watch counted 4 floors.


It's ridiculous to have to do that when the way fix would be for Samsung to allow users to set how many stairs they have, or at least how many feet up.

Galaxy Watch

Solved? I beg to differ. I cannot follow the steps in the solution as I do not have a Device Maintenance app showing up. Maybe I'm doing something wrong (I have an LG G7). I'd hate to have to reset my watch completely for built-in functionality to work. The floor counting worked for half of a hike the other days when I opened the Altimeter app and refreshed it. It hasn't worked since. I've come to consider it a "feature" that simply doesn't work like calling 911 on a non-Samsung phone. The best thing about this watch is the battery life. That said, this watch, more than anything else, is causing me to seriously consider Apple.