Original topic:

Washer won't complete cycle/ just restarts

(Topic created: 04-18-2022 09:44 AM)
Washers and Dryers

I have a front load washer that will not complete a cycle 9 out of 10 times. I have run through different trouble shooting ideas including cleaning the front drain on the bottom, cleaning the screens on the water lines, and trying different cycles. I don't get any error code, it just stops working. Sometimes it will eventually complete the cycle after re-starting it several times.  This has been on-going for about 2 months and the machine is approximately 7 years old.  Any suggestions are appreciated.

9 Replies
Washers and Dryers
Does it stop working with about 20 minutes or less left? My mother's washer was doing that and after they replaced pretty much everything starting with the main board, pump assembly, drive motor and a voltage regulator, it ended up being the inverter board. Luckily, he stopped charging me after the second visit. I have a feeling the guy definitely lost money on the repair.

Her model is: WF42H5200AP/A2
Washers and Dryers
It depends, sometimes it doesn't even start. It initially sounds like it's putting water in, then just stops.
Washers and Dryers
Your issue is definitely different than hers was then. With hers it would always pause at the end of the load with between 19 or so left. Right when it was about to start the spin for that particular cycle I think. Sometimes she could keep restarting your way through it. But often it just kept pausing.

In your case it may be a faulty water inlet valve, faulty door switch or fill level switch. There are a few other possibilities as well.

If you have the manual or look for a pdf version online, there is a way to have it display trouble codes. But getting them sometimes feels like entering Nintendo cheat codes. Push this button once, push that one twice while holding down another button, rotate the dial to the left. And they are all different in how you get to them.
Washers and Dryers
I talked to a service tech today who suggested that it's probably the control board. Looks like an easy enough fix. We're running a cleaning cycle to see if that helps and if not we'll order the part I guess.
Washers and Dryers
Of course they always say "it's possibly the control board." That is where they started with my mother's machine and 4 part replacements later they finally got it with that inverter board. Which apparently is a daughter board off that control board.

The tech apologized and said that 7/10 times the control board is the issue. He is probably being truthful, which is why they all go straight to the control board.

Best of luck and if that is the solution, you may want to add an appliance surge protector. Some of them carry a warranty that might pay for the cost of repair if the board goes again while it's connected.
Community Manager
Community Manager
Washers and Dryers

Hello! I understand how this can be a cause for concern with your washer not completing a cycle, just want to confirm that you have tried the troubleshooting steps in the link below?



If the troubleshooting steps did not help above then this will require service, you have a couple of options based on your warranty. 

- If your unit was recently purchased, you can check with your retailer on their return/exchange processes.
- If you have an extended warranty you can reach out to them to have service set up. 
- If you're within the one year warranty, you can Private message me or one of our moderators with your full model and serial number to have service setup
- If you're OUT of warranty, you can use this link below to find a service center in your area. 


Washers and Dryers
We've done the trouble shooting steps, so honestly if it's something that needs to be repaired I'll probably replace the machine. We needed to have our Samsung dryer fixed several times (thank goodness for the extended warranty) but at this point I'm guessing that I'll just need to go a different direction.
Washers and Dryers
That's too bad. I don't know if they just don't make them like they used to or what. My mother's washing machine is only about 5 years old and has had the issue that it has had.

But my wife and I have a Samsung washer and dryer manufactured in 2007 and neither have had a single issue.
Washers and Dryers

WW85K5410WW/SA Front loader

Another post about the washer NOT completing the wash cycle.

If I set it to the 15 or 30 minute wash its fine.
If I set it to any other and the spin cycle is set to 800rpm. Its fine.
If I set it to anything above 800rpm it will reset the cycle once the cycle gets down to 3 minutes left.
So It has already completed spin cycles.
But its always the fast spins at the end, and always at the tail end of the fast spin that it resets.
What I am saying is that is IS spinning at high speed, it just hiccups at the end of the spin cycle.
3 minutes left is almost completed as the last minute it just sits there as per usual.
So in actuality its only two minutes left and it fails.

The machine is balanced on the floor.
I have already run the balance test three times. Oddly enough, counter to what some techs on youtube say, the machine check cycle only take a minute or less. Not three minutes.
The filter at the bottom of the machine gets cleaned regularly.
The machine itself gets the clean cycle weekly.

This all started after a house move. So I am a bit perplexed. The machine was treated with care during the move.

I would also like to know how a PCB board can become an issue considering that there are no moving parts.
The only way I know that a pcb board can become unstable is if;
A. Water gets onto the board and not dried off and machine is used thereby causing a possible short.
B. The solder is dry and it cracks (which is a possibility on older pcb boards and it is an easy and very cheap fix) or
C. The capacitors are cheap and nasty and they expand resulting in leakage. The capacitors are also cheap and easy to replace.

Any more info that I have forgotten to add please ask. Or if I think of any later I will add as well.

Thank you.
