Original topic:

Fans/Users of Galaxy Themes Feedback

(Topic created: 12-27-2024 06:40 AM)
Samsung Apps and Services

This post is EXCLUSIVELY for users who use Galaxy Themes. If you don't use Galaxy Themes, get out of here and keep scrolling.

To all the people who use themes especially Premium themes, how often do you use them? If Samsung got rid of Galaxy Themes would you miss it or no? Does the fact that Samsung seems to be phasing out Samsung Messages ruin your experience with themes or no? Will you continue using Samsung Messages because of themes or no? And do you want Samsung to keep Samsung Messages because the themes applies to it and it completes the Galaxy Theme experience? Or are you okay using themes without Samsung Messages?
I want to have a lively and respectful conversation about it.
27 Replies
Cosmic Ray
Samsung Apps and Services
I use themes. One of the things that's throwing me off is that the majority of the themes are to kiddy. It seems as if not many of the theme designers actually consider that adults use these themes. I can imagine being in a business setting and pulling out your phone and people seeing you have a kiddy theme on your device. And yes I would miss themes if they got rid of theme. The few that I do use would not match with the Google messages nor would it match with gboard. But chances are, if they are phasing out Samsung keyboard, they will likely began to produce or create themes that would match gboard and messages. Plus, it's kinda odd how gboard in dynamic mode doesn't really match the colors of the wallpaper or theme. Which I thought was the purpose of dynamic. They should really fix that. Maybe in One Ui 7 these features will be added.
Samsung Apps and Services
I agree that a lot of the themes are for kids. I mainly buy themes from Cogul Planet, Echo Visuals, and Pixome Design and a lot of their themes are busy and kiddy, but they do have some themes that are simple and elegant for adults
Cosmic Ray
Samsung Apps and Services
I agree. I have seen some designers have a mixture of themes. A little something for everyone.
Samsung Apps and Services
Yes, it's really amazing the details and the quality of the designs of Premium themes. This is why I have to use Samsung Messages and Samsung Keyboard and will continue to use them until Samsung Messages is shut down for good; the designs for both of them are incredible
Samsung Apps and Services
I love Galaxy themes! Use it often. I'm actually looking for some help with a theme issue. Can someone tell me who to talk to?
Samsung Apps and Services
I ALWAYS use Galaxy themes and I would be very disappointed if samsung messages went away especially because I paid for a number of my themes and would no longer be able to use them as they are meant to be used if messages were gone. I change my themes often and love that I can change it depending on the season, holiday, or just because that's the mood I was feeling at the time. I want all of it in use. I love having themes on my phone and being able to have a large assortment of them. šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š
Samsung Apps and Services
I love the themes and have several downloaded. As of today, I can't download any without the app shutting down. Tech support gave me a list of things to do, majority was already done or not applicable. I'm stuck.
Samsung Apps and Services
I hate that Google messages doesn't take the themes. I switched back to samsung messages because of it