Original topic:

Pregnancy and newborn options

(Topic created: 02-19-2025 05:43 AM)
Samsung Apps and Services

You would think in 2025 there would be an option for "im pregnant" or "I just had a baby" to adjust some of the settings in the samsung health app, like weight and body composition, sleep and sleep score, calorie deficits and nutrition goals, and other health things that change with these bodily changes. 

For example; I just had a baby so my sleep is not going to be great, I'm aware of this and don't really want to be told to get more sleep when I have to wake up every 2 hours to feed my baby. Also, the sleep score only counts the first time I sleep and wake up, any sleep after that is not accounted for in the score. 

Another example; I just had a baby and am breastfeeding so my nutritional goals are going to be slightly more than the normal maintenance level. I think that the calories burned during breastfeeding, an average of 500 a day, should be taken into account in the app. 

Also, being told I'm obese when I weight in during pregnancy and after having a baby is not helping my mental health. Adding a feature to help track healthy pregnancy weight gain and then how to help lose the baby weight after would greatly benefit a lot of women. 

And maybe add some mommy and me exercises, ones that we can hold the baby during as most babies do not want to be put down and this makes it difficult to actually exercise sometimes. 

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Community Manager
Community Manager
Samsung Apps and Services

Hello Tinabell7896, Welcome to the Community. We understand your frustrations with the Samsung Health app.

Please submit feedback to Samsung using the Submit Feedback option under the Support Tab in the Members app. https://us.community.samsung.com/t5/Tips-Tricks/How-to-Send-Feedback/ba-p/3001692

You can also contact Samsung Health directly by calling 1-855-795-0509.
