Original topic:

Dishwasher door won't lay flat

(Topic created: 02-18-2025 04:32 PM)
Kitchen and Family Hub

I just got a new DW80B7071 dishwasher and the door won't open flat.  I can push it down and it will stay if I hold it - but I can't load dishes 1 handed.  It will close slightly even with the bottom rack sitting on the door.  Then when I go to push the bottom rack in - if I don't push the door down again - the bottom rack will catch on the bottom cleaner wand and I'm afraid it's going to break one of these times.  Is there a way to adjust the tension on the door so it will lay flat?

2 Replies
Kitchen and Family Hub
I don't think there's a way to make it stay flat.
Kitchen and Family Hub
Open the door go underneath the door there is a toe kick plate. Check for rubspots and bends. Take out the two screws pull the plate. Make sure it is not bent and fits correctly.

While you have it off check the door again. Look at the hinges and follow their movements. Sometimes the unit gets dropped and something gets bent. My guess is you will find it right away.

If you don't, pull the mount screws out at the top of the cabinet you can see them with the door open. Slide the unit out a couple of inches, always remove the toe plate or you will scratch your floor. you may find the insulation has caught itself in the hinge or the door springs.

Take pictures before you remove screws, take pictures before you move the unit, mark the floor and or the cabinet. Pay attention to which hole the mount screws were in. The little mount brackets on top can come loose Take pictures... Take pictures at every step. You can never have too many reference pictures. Take your time. When you push it back in pay attention to the drainhose so you don't crush it and cause a leak. The picture you forget to take will be where the confusion sets in. Good luck šŸ’Ŗ
I was dishwasher tech for 18 years