Original topic:

Watch calling Emergency while wearing gloves at work

(Topic created: 3 weeks ago)
Galaxy Watch

Is there a way to disable emergency call 000 from the home screen? I wear my watch at work but the gloves I wear (vinyl, with soft leather inside) covers my watch and as it shifts over my watch it initiates the emergency call ALL THE TIME. I need to be able to disable this, I wear noise cancelling Bluetooth headphones and don't hear it because the call doesn't go through them until they return the call after hanging up. 

I don't want to simply not wear it, that is not what I bought it for...

Also the glove sensitivity is off. So I don't know why a bit of soft leather is activating my watch. The settings on emergency /SOS do not affect it either. As I changed 000 to just 0 it still dials 000 


Please help me, I'm sure the emergency phone handlers hate me.

1 Reply
Galaxy Watch
I just changed it to my wife's number in emergency sos settings. Also try toggling off lift to wake in your watch settings if on.