Original topic:

Galaxy Watch 7/Ultra resetting

(Topic created: 2 weeks ago)
Galaxy Watch

The weirdest thing has happened a couple times and now I'm concerned. For no apparent reason, my watch keeps doin a forced reset. I then have to go through the whole process of setting it up again. This time around it completely changed the way my watch is set up. Face, settings and icon order. Can anyone help me understand why this is happening? This thing cost too much and is only 4 months old. šŸ˜”

73 Replies
Galaxy Watch
What phone are you using? If it's not a Samsung phone, that could be the issue. Ideally, they should mostly work with non Samsung phones with the exception of the Samsung proprietary apps like the health monitor app. There are tons of articles on reddit about issues with non Samsung phones and Samsung watches. As realaud mentioned, the watch does a backup, and you can restore instead of doing the transfer to new phone. Also, be sure to connect to your watch via the wear app and not by pairing in your phones settings. How many watches are you attempting to set up on one phone? I had a backup of my watch 6 that ended up being restored to my watch ultra when I upgraded, so you will want to be mindful of that if you are using more than one watch. You can have more than one watch set up on your wear app, but the app will only use one watch at a time.
Galaxy Watch

Reference my reply to other commentary for more details. The phone is the s24 ultra.

Galaxy Watch
I'm new to android. Less than a month in. I just bought at the same time the s25+ when it came out and bought a galaxy ultra watch with it. Totally new to the android eco system. Phone has been ok, kind of meh. Some features are great, annoying settings is the biggest drawback along with having to redo permissions all the time. Why? I said this is ok already! Why do u have to say it's ok yet again! This watch forcing me to reset and reconnect and losing all my settings and changes over and over again is BS. That and it pretends to connect to fitness equipment but doesn't and I lose workouts because of it. Is this the best Android had to offer me? I think I'll just go back to my iPhone and apple watch ultra 2 at those point. It was so much better with health and inter app conncetions. Oh and connecting to fitness equipment was always flawless.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Watch

Hello.  Welcome to the Samsung club.

Myself as an example, I've used & provided various levels of technical support for both Android/Samsung & Apple ecosystems over the decades & have always preferred the Android platform, favoring the Samsung ecosystem.  This is for several reasons, largely around what I want to integrate & ability to customize.  (Full disclosure, for years, Android has been progressively limiting some of that wonderful customization capability & removing/restricting less "mainstream" functionality in the name of Security for its users.  I'll spare you some of the conspiracy theories on why they're ACTUALLY doing that...)

That said, I feel your transition to Samsung this month (February) is sheer bad timing specifically because you also got a Watch Ultra, just when Samsung's Watch Ultra software update in late January seemingly introduced a "Lost Connection/Forced Factory Reset" bug.

In my opinion, if you were to stick it out past this Watch software update issue, I think you'll prefer the Android & Samsung architecture better than Apple's.  So far, 4 of my family members have gone through the same transition from Apple to Android on Samsung & all have admitted to be more satisfied.

I had my S23Ultra phone since it first came out well over a year ago.  I've had my watch Ultra since beginning of November 2024, I believe it was.  Overall, I've been extremely satisfied with both & had absolutely *NO* issues w/ my Watch until the watch's January 2025 software update, which gifted us w/ the "Lost Connection/Forced Factory Reset" bug.  To date, there is no known/confirmed solution yet, as everybody's waiting for a new Watch Ultra Software Update to fix it.

Lastly...  I've got several Health-related apps on my phone & watch & haven't noticed any issues.  Although, I don't use them all extensively either.  I cannot speak to additional health-related devices or equipment beyond my watch, as I have none.

Not sure if this helps, I hope you decide to stick w/ the Android & Samsung architecture, I don't think you'll be disappointed.