Original topic:

GW4 GPS stopped working after recent firmware update.

(Topic created: 2 weeks ago)
Galaxy Watch

After updating my GW4  with the recent update, GPS no longer works in Samsung Health Fitness tracking.

My runs no longer record any route data at all. Was working fine before the update.

Have tried restarting the watch / app / etc as well as checking location info in compass app as suggested elsewhere. No change.

Spoke to support who were unable to suggest anything past doing a reset. They could not even escalate the issue to 'advanced' technical support, as evidently this has to be done by app. An app that I am unable to access as I don't have a Samsung phone.

Kind surprised at the complete lack of any kind of technical support pathway TBH. Ridiculous.

So I'm stuck with a watch that was working perfectly fine last Wednesday, to one that is about as good a useless.

I use the GW4 to track my daily exercise. I run without a phone.

Location services are on. I've tried both accurate and non-accurate modes. both are the same. also tried the GPS fix app but also no good.

Tried turning flight mode on as suggested elsewhere. Guess what. Same.

GPS appears to be working fine in compass app.

C'mon Samsung. Real poor show as far as support is concerned. How do I fix this thing?

4 Replies
Community Manager
Community Manager
Galaxy Watch

Hello MickP, Welcome to the Community. We understand how frustrating it is to have a feature of the watch not working correctly.  

Did you speak with the Samsung Health team? They can be reached by calling 1-855-795-0509.

We do have this link with some troubleshooting steps: https://www.samsung.com/us/support/troubleshooting/TSG01203472/

(Step 4 only applies to LTE watches.)

Since you do not have a Samsung phone to submit an error report, we recommend having a technician take a look at the watch. 

You can use the following link to find a list of service centers in the U.S.: http://www.samsung.com/us/support/service/ or by calling customer support at 1-800-726-7864.

For service outside the U.S., please use this link: https://www.samsung.com/us/common/visitlocationsite.html.

Galaxy Watch

Yes I did speak with the help team (as already mentioned in my post above). After 2 hours on the phone with them they suggested that they could not help as they only provided basic (pre-canned) help, (i.e did you try turning it off and on again??!!) and that I would need to escalate the issue to the 'advanced' support team. However they were unable to create an escalation to this team for me for me, despite having all of my details and the history of the support request. 

Instead they suggested that I needed to do this myself using the Samsung app and start from the very beginning explaining the very same things that I had just spent 2 hours going through with them. So that would be what 4 hours just to raise a ticket??? WTAF.

After looking at the app that they suggested I use, I then found out that I can only install it if I have a Samsung phone, which I do not. So not only were your support NOT able to help. They could NOT raise / escalate the ticket, and I was unable to create one myself. Which is why I am here.

It is very inconvenient for me to go and take my device to a service centre. In fact there are none near to me. Your official service centre list, that you tried and failed to link to, only includes retail outlets which do not have the tech expertise to fix this issue. So what happens then??? I have to send my device in, at my expense, just for someone to look at it??? It's a GW4, the cost of that Is likely more than the device is worth.

TBH, I find your lack of any kind of actual technical support to be absolutely shocking. It appears to me that your support strategy is simply to make so absolutely impossibly difficult for anyone to get even the simplest of help, that they give up.

My expectations here are simply that I should be able to access technical support online without any of this BS. And without any of these pre-canned responses. If I've got to the point where I'm contacting you for support. It means that I've already exhausted your online documentation, and the suggestions of the user support forums, and everything else besides. It means that I actually need support. Not to be fobbed off.

Instead of posting more pre-canned responses, why don't you actually try supporting your products. I would be very surprised if I am the only customer with this issue, so somewhere within your organisation there is a solution. And if you cannot find a solution, there will be a way to roll back to the previous (outdated but working) version.

Pull your finger out. Provide some ACTUAL support to me.

Galaxy Watch

In addition to the above, and based on not being able to access any kind of actual support, I also asked for the matter to be escalated to a help desk manager. I was promised that I would receive a callback that same day.

Well it's now Sunday and I raised the request on Tuesday. So that's five days without any response at all. Even ignoring the promised same day response, your standard callback times are 24-48 hours.


Community Manager
Community Manager
Galaxy Watch

I am very sorry to hear of your experiences. This forum is for support of US products and customers. As your product is a non-US model and support for these models is very limited, please seek a support team for your area. You can do so by using this link: https://www.samsung.com/us/common/visitlocationsite.html
