Original topic:

Still waiting on Pre order....

(Topic created: yesterday)
Galaxy S25

I pre-ordered on Feb 3rd. Titanium black 512GB (T-Mobile). Original Est. Delivery was Feb 26. Then March 3. Now I don't even have an estimated delivery date, only:

"Est. delivery: There has been an unexpected delay, we will update the new delivery date at the earliest"

In the Shop Samsung app right now, the same exact phone says "Get it by March 14". So...how is it that someone can buy one right now and have it Friday, but I pre-ordered and don't even have an estimated delivery date?

Reaching out to Samsung has been no help. Was offered a $50 voucher, and then got an email saying they were "unable to assist with promo code because payment of order is not captured"...but I have the order receipt. Very confused and frustrated.

3 Replies
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S25
No, it doesn't. Not for the Titanium Black 512gb "TMOBILE" version is sold out.1741734313678.jpg
Galaxy S25

About an hour ago, it did. I just checked a few minutes and also saw that it wasn't anymore. Not sure what is going on. 

Community Manager
Community Manager
Galaxy S25

Hello Bmansgrap, Welcome to the Community. We understand that preorders can be frustrating.

Please note, the community operates on a peer-to-peer support model. While our members offer valuable insights and assistance, certain inquiries are best supported by a Samsung directly.

For these types of questions and concerns, you will need to reach out to the E-Commerce team directly by visiting: https://www.samsung.com/us/support/order-help/ 

To submit feedback to Samsung, follow these steps: https://us.community.samsung.com/t5/Tips-Tricks/How-to-Send-Feedback/ba-p/3001692