Original topic:

S25 Ultra - Problem using flash in Pro mode camera

(Topic created: 02-08-2025 12:45 AM)
Galaxy S25

TLDR: On the Galaxy S25 Ultra, the flash does not function properly when using the camera in 'Pro' mode, AND specific values are configured for both ISO & Speed. The LED illuminates only to focus, and does not fire the flash for the photo itself. The resulting images are dark/underexposed. This only happens when both ISO and Speed are configured manually.

When using flash in Pro mode camera (tried it with both 1x Wide, and 3x Tele), the flash fires, but the images are extremely dark/underexposed (as if the flash did not fire at all...even though it did).

This only happens in Pro mode when both ISO and Speed are set, manually, at the same time. If ISO, or Speed (or both) are set to 'Auto', then the flash works and the images are properly exposed.

I used the same exposure settings for both Photo and Pro mode(s)

Another (not me) S25 Ultra owner/user, on a diff. forum, was able to recreate this issue on their S25 Ultra device. The same individual was able to test this on an S24 Ultra device, and the S24 Ultra does not have this issue (S24 Ultra has the UI 7 update).

I am upgrading from a Note20 Ultra, and the Note20 Ultra does not have this issue either (you can set both ISO & Speed, at the same time, to manual settings, and the flash still works properly.

Reporting this issue here so that others can see it if they are experiencing the same problem.

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