Original topic:

Noticing a lot of audio issues with S25 Ultra!!

(Topic created: 2 weeks ago)
Galaxy S25

I have been noticing a whole lot of audio issues with the s25 ultra. Namely after doing the February update, but I've only owned the phone for 8 days. It is brand spanking new, and yes I am pretty tech savvy. Just a disclaimer before I'm told to do basic or even advanced troubleshooting. I am well versed in the S- series and android in general, it's all I've ever owned. But I have noticed popping in the speakers in various applications such as capcut, Spotify, watching videos off Google (when rotating phone), going to Bing and the volume being very low even though my phone is at full volume. Even audio popping during diagnostics. 

I have til the 26th to make a decision to exchange it for a new one and pay $50 restock fee or after that file a warranty claim or use my insurance and pay a $275 deductible. This audio issue is happening even when I pair my galaxy buds 3 pro to my phone. This points toward a software issue, but for over $1300 dollars I wanna be sure. 
I just went through pure **bleep** when I switched providers for one day only to find out that the provider I'm with is holding my galaxy watch ultra captive. They claim they don't lock smartwatches but on their website in my account it says unlock eligible because I payed it off. I submitted the iemi and they approved the unlock or so the email they sent me claimed, but when I gave the iemi # to the new provider their system kept rejecting it. I know it's compatible with their network too because they sell the same watch there and the salesperson was wearing the same orange band watch as me, same model and everything. 
Anyway I go back to the provider I've been with for years which shall remain nameless, because this forum isn't for trashing providers. I am just stating facts. Anyway, I look at their website after getting the s25 ultra and now owning the watch ultra and it's still locked. On top of that they wouldn't let me retain my phone number I've had for years and I didn't have a chance to disable 2FA before they cut my service because when I switched to the other provider they were able to port my phone number over to their network but not the watch. 
So, I've been trying to regain access to all of my accounts credit cards, emails, memberships etc. And 2FA is meant to not be circumvented, so it's been a nightmare. I'm still locked out of important accounts and awaiting resolutions. So, here I am now experiencing audio issues with this new phone. Plus some other issues, ie- battery, clipboard, pairing, so on. I need some feedback from everyone and anyone that may be experiencing any issues with the s25 ultra I've mentioned. 
I dread the thought of exchanging it for a new one and the money isn't even the main reason. As I've droned on about I don't wanna have to set up another phone even with smart switch (cabled) ofcšŸ˜’. But just the thought of signing back into all of my accounts even with the same number where 2FA won't be an issue, but I still dread it after what I just went through. 
I kindly ask anyone who has read this long TMI post to please give me any helpful feedback to help me make an informed decision as to whether or not I should jump the gun and exchange it or wait for a fix (if indeed it's software related). Has anyone else been experiencing these types of issues? Online research of my own has led me to forums that people have been reporting audio issues. I know Capcut and Spotify can have these pops in the speaker. But my s23 ultra did not have an issue with it. But, this new s25 is loaded with so many new Ai features and settings it's unreal. All I can say is "calling all droid users please help me out here" Thank you in advanced to any and all non-trolls that may answer with helpful insight.šŸ™
Edit- Well, everyone I did exchange the phone and the same audio issues exist and even some other visual issues in specific applications. I see things like stuttering while scrolling and many other weird bugs. So, I honestly believe the February update needs a patch. The phone seemed to work better when I first set it up, and as soon as I pushed the February update these many different bugs occur. So, I hope for the money that this phone costed me it will be fixed. 
I do understand it's a brand new release so I'm honestly hoping Samsung will work all the bugs out in the near future. So, yeah I wasted $59 dollars exchanging the phone. Also, my provider tried to pull a fast one on me and tried to take my s23 ultra trade in and not give me the promotion on the s25 Ultra. Luckily I am meticulous and I keep very organized records and have proof of everything so if they try to rip me off I will for sure not take that lying down. 
But, I wanted to let everyone know don't jump the gun like I did unless you are 100% sure your phone is defective. And I believe mine was because the audio is still weird but not near as bad as the phone I exchanged. Also, I've noticed inconsistent haptic feedback as well as touch sensitivity issues. Please šŸ™ Samsung fix these issues. These high-end phones are very expensive and we Samsung users deserve better. When you pay over $1300 for a phone you expect it to function properly. 
Galaxy S25
Absolutely 100% true talk right there
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S25
Just my thoughts I been here years ago minus watch frustrating to say the least anyway if bot are paid off and been active for the provider to unlock i.e there policy it varies by carrier some unlock you can do on handset in connection some can do on there website best advice if no issues unlock policy wise file complaint with the bbb it should be a simple unlock and port but seems issue is on carrier
Galaxy S25
It absolutely is 100% I called and talked to 4 agents with my current provider that claims they don't lock the watch. But they keep insisting they don't, as aforementioned they took the iemi, sent an approval email after submission of unlock request, and it shows on their website its unlock eligible. But, they continue to insist they don't lock smartwatches "as per their information and policy" their words. I even told them I can send them screenshots of my account showing their own website offering the unlock link. Also, I could have screen recorded the whole process of myself submitting the request and emailed them the proof and forwarded the emails from them as proof they approved it. But they claim they have no means of receiving emails from the consumer. So, basically they are holding my device captive while lying and advertising on their website, nay, "false advertising" on their official website the means to submit the request which is in direct opposition of their "so called policy" So, that's a good idea I think I will file a complaint with the BBB because they are a major cellphone provider that everyone knows. The rep at the provider i was switching to, which, btw, is another gigantic company watched me submit the request spoke directly with the rep at my current provider on speaker phone (with me present) and told them rep of my current provider he watched me submit the request and can vouch for me that it's was indeed allowing me, I did recieve an approval email, and that their network was rejecting the iemi. So, I believe its on the carrier I'm currently with. I have no choice if I want my LTE Galaxy watch Ultra to work with my s25 Ultra. So, when this phone is paid in full. I will buy from either Samsung directly or another store where I'm a member and will receive added protection to my device that comes with the membership. Then I will be purchasing unlocked devices. But this next time ill make sure to disable 2FA on all my accounts so when they cut my service I won't be locked out of all my accounts, which as I've said in the OP I didn't have the chance to do this time. I learned my lesson they won't get me again. I only got the s25 ultra because since I had to stay with them. While I own the Watch Ultra, I might as well take the S25 Ultra free. But in a year or 2 it'll be see ya later current provider šŸ«”
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S25
Best of luck don't let them give non answer scripts all else fails state attorney general complaint
Galaxy S25
What a real drag. Outside of attempting a total factory reset and attempting to start over (you have made it clear that is not something you want to do), but that may be your best bet. Because even you spend $50 for a replacement, you will still have a factory fresh phone with all of the pre-installed provider bloatware. S spending $50 that may not do the trick would be more of a loss. I honestly do not get the watch part, as that seems off to me, but I do not own watches of any kind and only use the ear buds.

Anyway, if you don't want to send $50, reset the phone completely and manually reinstall and update everything. The phone already has the latest monthly update so that will be there after resetting the phone. It may be a hassle, but you'd be getting a new phone having to set it up again otherwise. I also recommend not using smart switch, as that may just carry over some of those same problems since it is a locked device. If you do this, my suggestion would be to manually install and connect the apps and accounts that are the problems you are facing before doing a whole reinstall of everything and test the problem apps first.
In the end I hope those all works out for you quickly. And if you can ever buy a smartphone outright, I would highly suggest buying all devices totally unlocked. That way you can switch carriers on the fly. even with the big-name carriers.
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S25
If the phone hasn't been unlocked it will not help
Galaxy S25
Accept for the one big name carrier I'm currently with. I don't trust them. I don't think if I bought service through them they would be able to lock an unlocked device. But then again who knows with esims, but likely not possible. Either way it doesn't matter because after this experience I won't be going back to them. But, anyway, yeah I thought about a factory reset, but I'd hate to do that and it not fix the issue then. Have to go get another phone and do it again. I have way way too many accounts to sign in and out of. And as mentioned in my OP I still have a couple of important accounts I can't get into. It's ridiculous you would think these big corps would have a protocol in place to get around 2FA if you can prove your identity, but company claims they do but has been giving me a serious runaround and the other company does not and says I have to create another account with different email then they can merge them and that's how it will bypass, but still no answers or resolutions ugh its grueling šŸ˜£. Thank you for your advice though and input. I will for sure do that next time. šŸ‘
Galaxy S25
They may charge you a restocking fee. Returns on it is pretty high.
Galaxy S25
Yes I'm aware of the $50 restock fee. But its worth it to me for piece of mind. If the second one does it Ill know that its like software related, but then again I have the worst luck. I know alot of people say that but in my case scouts honor its the truth. Ive had problems with everything Ive bought in past 10 years I swear.
Galaxy S25
Hello, sorry to hear you're having such a problem with your s25 Ultra audio. There's no way should you be getting a restocking fee for damaged device that's just wrong. I also agree I get my devices through Samsung and I get unlocked just so I never have to worry about if I ever switch carriers but I've been with Verizon for 25 years so I don't see that happening . But I still get unlocked . I think it's definitely something wrong with the phone because my audio is especially on Spotify is clear and better than any of my other phones. As for the restocking fee I would fight it I saw on one of my post that I follow on YouTube that they have a disclaimer showing that they don't charge for that and then all the sudden they are so people there are a lot of comments on there saying that people were fighting it and that they didn't make them pay the restocking fee. Especially because there's something wrong with your phone it's not because you just don't like the phone it's because there's something wrong with it. Oh wait is Samsung charging you the $50? Or is it the carrier?Whenever I speak to Samsung customer service about anything and they say they can't help me I always ask for a supervisor it's a longer wait but $50 is $50 Good luck and I hope they at least take the $50 stocking fee off if you choose to return. I do love this as 25 Ultra coming from the s23 ultra. And I think if you get all your problems fixed then you will love it also. Keep us posted take care!