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S24 Ultra Camera Quality Feedback

(Topic created: 02-10-2024 05:30 AM)
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24
As many of us are experiencing these camera issues where the post processing ruins images taken by making them grainy or too saturated. I found temporarily that using the camera in safe mode and airplane mode gave me way better results when using the camera . Hopefully they fix this soon
Turns out my camera issue is a hardware issue. I spoke to representative and there are no updates coming for the camera, only for the screen issues. I will return mine an get a new device. Seems I got a early model that was part of a bad batch. 
Update: got my replacement device today NIGHT AND DAY DIFFERENCE. now this is what the s24 ultra is supposed to be. WOW I can't believe the difference. The screen for sure is way brighter and more colorful and the camera is amazing and no issues with post processing ruining images. If anything it just makes them way better. I can't believe what a difference there is between the devices 
726 Replies
Galaxy S24

I am a Samsung Galaxy user for a couple of years now and always enjoyed using the phones.

I have the A53 at the moment but wanted to get the S24.

My wife had a Huawei and wanted to upgrade to another phone. UNFORTUNATELY I told her I was happy with my Samsung and she needs to get the new Samsung S24 Ultra phone!

She is so unhappy with the purchase! I am taking much nicer images with my A53 which does not have near the specs of the S24!

This will be my last Samsung phone, if I upgrade it won't be Samsung again. 

We are trying to get rid of the wife's phone and get her something else. 

Galaxy S24

I absolutely have the same problem on all three of our cameras. Absolutely trash. Whoever did the camera qa should be fired. the only mode remotely useable is the 50 on pro mode.


Returning three phones. Samsung pushed out complete turds.

Galaxy S24

I posted about this several days ago as well in reference to the videos it produces.  Here is what i think is the problem.  AUTO mode is just way to **bleep** sensitive.  If you set the camera up and dont move it it does pretty good, BUT if you star panning with the camera all **bleep** breaks loose.  The camera just go crazy trying to adjust too much stuff causing frame skips, blurs, jaggedness, just making videos look bad.  Now i have always used automatic mode on previous phone which was a note 10+ and that phone didnt do all this.  So i messed around with the pro video mode on the s24 ultra and locked in iso and shutter speed and the camera did much better.  Now i dont want to have to use pro mode to get a good looking video, i want to be able to pull my phone put and hit record and get a pretty decent video like my note 10+ could.  I think they have the auto modes just setup way too sensitive and hopefully they make some updates

Galaxy S24

I am, unfortunately having the same issue with the camera, such horrible photos, it's like I went back in time and got an s8 quality photo. 

Really hope Samsung fixes this issue soon

Galaxy S24

I'm finding the exact same thing. Grainy and blurry photos indoors with low light. My four-year-old Pixel 4XL took better photos of my kids. I've tried every setting and tip out there. I wish I had discovered this before submitting a review.


I'm pleased with the screen, especially the anti-glare, and the battery life is excellent.


My 50/200MP shots look oversaturated too, but I hope a software update will fix this. If the shutter speed issue isn't fixed, I'll be swapping for a Pixel 8 Pro.

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24
Same was taking photos of my 1st grader getting an award and hella grainy like I'm using a camera from 2008.
Galaxy S24

Return it as soon as possible or be stuck with promised updates and you won't get it, same trick they do every year 

Galaxy S24
I agree. I "upgraded" from the s21 ultra and almost every aspect of the camera and screen seems a million X better than the new s24 ultra. I was so incredibly disappointed at Disney yesterday. My photos were a grainy blurry mess. I truly despise this upgrade.
Galaxy S24

Mine was the same....couldn't focus on objects when zooming in and the pictures came out blurry looking like an oil painting it's nowhere near as good as the s23 ultra..I returned my s24 for a refund 

Galaxy S24
Me too. I think S24 Ultra made the worst camera ever.