Original topic:

Meaning/Use of Left Top Corner Icons

(Topic created: Saturday)
Galaxy S22


Attached is a screenshot of "top left" icons visible on my S22 Ultra.  I already know they identify  SMS, Adobe, Outlook, & Walmart (tho' I don't know what that "white dot" means).  But what are they telling me?  I've already "Closed  all Apps", but they remain up there.  And - since the Apps are "closed" - why in the world are TWO icons for each of two Apps continuing to be displayed there? 

I also find it very frustrating that I cannot just "click" on that row to get more info about what it's showing and be led to a place where I can "do something" to really shutdown any of those apps that remain "alive" after I think I've "closed" them.  


2 Replies
Galactic Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S22

The white dot means you have more notifications then will fit swipe down and swipe away the notifications is the only way to clear them 

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Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S22
Those are your app notifications. Go to your advanced settings to change the options in the status bar to icons, 3 most recent, number of notifications, by priority or time, also in the Good Lock Labs app you can use the notistar app.
You can customize the status bar settings on a Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra by going to Settings, then Notifications, and then Advanced settings. From there, you can control which icons appear in the status bar. [1, 2, 3]

Steps to customize status bar settings [3]

Open Settings Tap Notifications Tap Advanced settings Tap Show notification icons Select your desired option

You can also remove icons from the status bar by going to Visibility of indicator icons and toggling off the icons you want to hide. [4]

What does the status bar do? [5]

The status bar at the top of a Samsung Galaxy phone displays icons that indicate the phone's current status. These icons can include information about battery power, location services, calls, texts, and more. [5]

Troubleshooting [6]

If the status bar isn't appearing, you can try dragging down from the top of the screen. [6]

Generative AI is experimental.

[1] https://www.att.com/device-support/article/wireless/KM1476413/Samsung/SamsungSMS908U

[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYR_ip56C8I

[3] https://www.samsung.com/us/support/answer/ANS10002521/

[4] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5sSnSG92gI

[5] https://www.samsung.com/uk/support/mobile-devices/what-do-the-different-indicator-icons-mean-on-your...

[6] https://www.samsung.com/ie/support/mobile-devices/what-do-the-different-indicator-icons-mean-on-your...