Original topic:

Hands free issue

(Topic created: Sunday)
Galaxy S22
My phone is a Samsung Xpro6. My phone connects via Bluetooth to hands free devices but calls made from the handsfree device are routed to the phone, meaning I have use the phone to answer any calls made to or from me. The "hands free app"fails to route calls through the bluetooth speaker when I try to set it for calls. I tell the device to call someone and the call can only be heard using the phone, so it'snit hands free! The only way to fix this problem is to completely shut off my phone, then restart it. After that the problem goes away for several day, but then recurs.

What is causing this? It happens regardless of what bluetooth hands free device I use, e.g. different ear pieces or through connection to car's bluetooth speakers. There are no other bluetooth devices paired with the phone.

Help would be appreciated.

Thank you
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