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So I have just upgraded from A14 5g to A15 5G and I am seeing zero differences

(Topic created: 02-17-2025 05:56 PM)
Cosmic Ray
A Series & Other Mobile
In performance this phones are just the same the A15 5G has got couple more features but they can be counted but the battery life is the Real upgraded this phone is lasting 16+ hours on use vs My 14 that was lasting 5 to 6 hours 
1 Reply
A Series & Other Mobile
Humm. I had A14 5G and now A15 5G. A14 has 64GB rom, A15 has 128GB rom, this a gigantic increase for entry level budget phone. Display changed from led to oled another change for the better , ips led vs super amoled, refresh rate a14 60Hz, a15 90hz another huge increase, cpu is faster, a14 gets 2 Android updates, a15 4 Android updates, another huge increase, ect. The A15 5G I have is an International version with 6GB of ram. This version has phone call recording which everybody wants and can't get. I don't use it though. I had to jump in their and buy it as the crowd was buying them up fast and still is. Kimchi anyone, I like the mild variety home made.
