Original topic:

I ignore calls and they keep trying to call, and not getting voicemails?

(Topic created: 11-01-2023 12:12 PM)
A Series & Other Mobile

I would like to know why when I ignore a phone call it's like my phone ignores me in that number will continue to keep calling and I can do that anywhere between 3:00 and 4 times before it actually stops and also folks aren't able to be leaving me voicemails My carrier is straight talk TracFone Verizon and I haven't had this issue until Verizon made the switch over completely when I was just straight talk from Walmart and I had T-Mobile their service their internet service their data calling everything was the best that I've had in a long time

1 Reply
Galactic Samsung Care Ambassador
A Series & Other Mobile
Are you rejecting the call or silencing it? If you silence the call, it will still ring normally until it sends the call to voicemail, while rejecting the call immediately stops the ringing. If individuals aren't able to leave voicemails, this is something you would need to resolve through Straight Talk/Verizon support.