Original topic:

Samsung VTRplus washing machine

(Topic created: Sunday)
Washers and Dryers

Model # WA45M7O5OAW/A4

I'm really not sure what is going on with my washer. It seems the child lock is stuck. I'm not sure how it even got locked in the first place as i never use it.
I have tried doing a reset on it by unplugging it and making sure all current was out then following the instructions on plugging back in with no results.
I have also tried releasing the lock by holding the 2 buttons together, i have even held it as long as 5 mins with no results. 
I have even tried a number of combinations of holding other buttons again nothing 
The only button i get any response from is the Start/pause button, but all I get is the alarm about the lid being locked. 
I'm at a loss any advice or ideas would be helpful, TYIA 
1 Reply
Community Manager
Community Manager
Washers and Dryers

Hello there, we're sorry to hear about the Child Lock not disengaging on the washer, and thank you for letting us know what steps you've already taken as to resolve this issue on your own. At this time, we would recommend having a service technician look at the washer. You can contact a local provider using this link- https://www.samsung.com/us/support/service/locations/ to proceed.