Original topic:

Dryer won't turn off

(Topic created: 01-21-2021 10:05 AM)
Washers and Dryers

Dryer won't stop model dv5471aew

100 Replies
Washers and Dryers

We are having the same issue with our Sansung Dryer (model DVE(G)50M7450)

Purchased it new in October of 2018. It first occured sometime after the first year. 

When a drying cycle finished (control panel had turned off, yet the drum kept on running. Open the door and it would stop. Close the door and it starts back running.

Unplugged it, then plugged it back in after 1/2 an hour or so. Started back working correctly then.

But this has become more frequent and this evening was about the 6-7 time it has happened. Each time it takes longer to get it to reset. But this evening I was unable to reset it. Thats why I am looking for more information regarding this problem.

From what I have read, this has been an issue for several years. If the heating elements did not turn off, this could be  dangerous. And I have read where there were some that the heating elements did not turn off and their dryer was extremely hot.

So, be careful.

Samsung should be more proactive about correcting this glitch before someone is injured (or worse) because of it.


Samsung Moderator
Samsung Moderator
Washers and Dryers

Hey, give this link a shot: https://www.samsung.com/us/support/troubleshooting/TSG01001990/ If this does not help I recommend letting a service technician have a look. Send your full model code and serial number via private message to get started.

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Washers and Dryers

I have the EXACT same problem! It started as soon as of course the 1 yr so-called warranty was expired. It's a complete PITA this dryer! I did find this on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Q2qbYsAfATE


It worked for a while...but the dryer still isn't right and this is a major fire hazard. We don't even do laundry now unless we know we will stay home and we have to set a timer for the dryer so it doesn't just keep spinning even though the cycle is over. 

I will NEVER EVER EVER purchase anything in terms of appliance from Samsung. They are awful, plus their CUstomer Care could "care less". They know there is a major defect with this dryer, yet they won't do anything to fix it. Repair man wanted over 300.00 to replace the board. I refused.

I am waiting until I can get someone to come pick up this 2 yr old set (washer/dryer) and give me a small amount of money and then I'm running straight to Maytag!

Good riddance Samsung appliances!

Washers and Dryers

Funny, I purchased my Samsung dryer October 2018 and have the same issue, my dryer continues to heat and spin while the machine is off. From the Googling I've done, it appears to be a motor relay on the control board that becomes stuck or has shorted out. Since the Dryers are only under a 1 year warranty, we're on our own to replace a faulty control board.  LG was recently sued for a similar issue on their refrigerators, you'd think Samsung would 'of learned from their mistake and would fix the issue before someone's house catches on fire or someone files a lawsuit.

Samsung Moderator
Samsung Moderator
Washers and Dryers

An Accepted Solution has been marked and provided for this thread. The thread will now be locked for further replies. in hopes to keep the integrity of the thread from steering in a non-technical manner. If you have a separate concern, feel free to post again or send one of our moderators a private message with more details. Please note duplicate posts on similar subjects starting 2/1/21, will be removed to keep our community organized and make it easier for our users to find resolutions and needed content. Remember that if you do make a post, please include as many details about your symptoms as possible. Also, make sure that your title is a good summary of the overall situation that's occurring with your product. Thank you for being part of the community!

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Washers and Dryers

I've tried everything but my dryer won't stop running (not heat) even when it's turned off. We've only had the dryer for about 2 years so the warranty has expired (as of Nov 2019), and we can't afford to have someone come check it out to fix it.  Please let me know your suggestions. I've tried unplugging it, turning off the circuit breaker, and One Beer Job's video. 

Model #: DVE50M7450P/A3

Washers and Dryers

this is my exact problem also.

has anyone found a solution, besides unplugging it?


Honored Contributor
Washers and Dryers

Can you try the following:


1. Make sure that the 3-hr Air-fluff/Wrinkle Prevent option is not on.
2. Run a light load of clothing. Does it heat?
If the unit does not cut off and runs continuously unplug the unit for about 5 minutes and plug back in if it’s turning then we need more details about if the unit is heating or not.


Can you send me a private message with your full model and serial number? http://bit.ly/2tCGnGK

Be sure to click " ✓ Accept as Solution" when you find an answer that works for you.

Washers and Dryers

My Dryer model DVE(G)50M7450 is doing exactly the same thing. Tried all the methods I found online to possibly correct the issue. (unplugging the power cable; unplugging all the wiring going into the control  boards, on bothcontrol boards) 

It is like another post I read where the person stated a relay was pulled-in on the smaller circuit board and allowed the drum to constantly rotate.

Relay can't be changed by itself. Have to change the complete circuit board.

It is obvious this is a very common problem with these dryers. Samsung needs to do the right thing and step-up and fix this. I have many Samsung products in my home, and have been pleased with their quality until now. And how they treat this issues will depend on my furture  as a Samsung consumer.


@userzgAhQxOiNP wrote:

I've tried everything but my dryer won't stop running (not heat) even when it's turned off. We've only had the dryer for about 2 years so the warranty has expired (as of Nov 2019), and we can't afford to have someone come check it out to fix it.  Please let me know your suggestions. I've tried unplugging it, turning off the circuit breaker, and One Beer Job's video. 

Model #: DVE50M7450P/A3


Washers and Dryers

I'm having the same issue.   I have tried everything.  
