Original topic:

Smart Things wifi smart plug will not register

(Topic created: 2 weeks ago)
Samsung Apps and Services
My Wifi Smart Plug model 7A-PL-W-1 won't add to my network. My tablet sees the plug, I select it, my tablet connects and I get the "select network" menu, which displays my home network SSID. So I click on that network and then enter the network passkey. Then I get "Almost there! Your wifi smart plug is being added to Smart Things". After a few minutes watching and waiting for the spinning circle to stop, I get this: "It looks like we couldn't connect. Try again or reset the device." Well, I've tried and tried again, resetting it each time, no joy.

This all started when I changed my network name and password. The new name has an underscore (_) character in it. Could that be the issue? It's bad enough having to reset all your devices but when you've done a few and then discover maybe this is holding things up, I'm ready to toss the Smart plugs!

Thanks for any input.
2 Replies
Samsung Apps and Services
Edit: My previous network name had (blank) spaces in it and plug worked fine,
Samsung Apps and Services

I've been working with Samsung Smart Switch support, and here's how I described my issue (after having done a bit more troubleshooting). Does this help anyone to help me? I suspect this is a router setting issue but I'm no network expert...

"I was able to connect by going to another area with a different access point that has only a 2.4GHz connection. But if I bring the smart switch back to the original area (where previously it wouldnt connect, and which has a dual band (2.4/5GHz) router, the switch will NOT reconnect. Note the two bands have different SSIDs. The SSID where it connects successfully has the same SSID as the 2.4GHz band in the area with dual band router where it won't connect. Dual band router is ASUS RT-AX1800S. Could the two broadcast bands be preventing connection?"

Edit: Note the two bands have similar names, the 5GHz band has "_5G" added at the end. Otherwise same.