Original topic:

An Opportunity Being Missed By Samsung

(Topic created: 10-29-2024 01:44 PM)
Samsung Apps and Services
Professional Advice for Samsung’s Engineers and Developers

As one of the leading tech companies, Samsung has an opportunity to enhance the user experience for its services, particularly Samsung Wallet, cloud storage, and account recovery processes. Drawing from my prior experience with Apple, I want to offer some constructive insights regarding account security and accessibility.

Apple has long provided a robust account recovery framework that allows users to associate multiple phone numbers and email addresses (up to three each) with their Apple accounts. This ensures that if a user loses access to their phone or encounters account issues, they still have multiple avenues to regain control. As Samsung competes directly with Apple, it is surprising that a similarly flexible solution has not yet been implemented within Samsung’s ecosystem.

Currently, Samsung’s reliance on recovery codes presents potential challenges. While these codes serve as a backup, they may not be practical for many users. If someone cannot remember their account password, it seems unrealistic to expect them to keep track of a randomly generated recovery code. Moreover, if the user has their password available, it negates the need for such a code, which questions the logical value of this approach.

To align with user expectations and industry standards, I recommend developing a more comprehensive recovery strategy. This could include:

1. Multi-point recovery: Allowing users to register multiple trusted phone numbers and email addresses to improve account accessibility.

2. Recovery contact options: Providing users with the ability to designate trusted contacts, similar to Apple's “Account Recovery” feature.

3. Cloud backup enhancements: Ensuring that user data in Samsung Wallet and cloud services is fully recoverable, even if access to the primary device is lost.

4. Improved 2FA flexibility: Offering more intuitive two-factor authentication options that balance security with ease of access.

By implementing these enhancements, Samsung can provide customers with greater confidence in their ability to recover accounts, reducing frustration and minimizing the risk of lockouts. Taking these steps will not only strengthen customer trust but also align Samsung’s services with best practices in the industry. Thank you for considering these recommendations as you continue to innovate and improve your products.
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Samsung Apps and Services

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