Original topic:

Account issue

(Topic created: 7 hours ago)
Samsung Apps and Services
Reposting this: 

My account "my page and products" page is broken and has been broken for months with zero support from the team. I have given them information over and over and gotten zero help. 

Now I post on here with proof the problem still exists and a mod removed it instead of providing me with support or getting someone who could. 

1 Reply
Community Manager
Community Manager
Samsung Apps and Services

Hello, FlamingStealthBanana
The community operates on a peer-to-peer support model. While our members offer valuable insights and assistance, certain inquiries are best supported by a Samsung directly.

You can check out the Support Acknowledgement thread for options to contact Samsung for assistance. https://us.community.samsung.com/t5/Tips-Tricks/Samsung-Support-Acknowledgement/ba-p/2300671

You can also submit an error report: https://us.community.samsung.com/t5/Tips-Tricks/How-to-Submit-an-Error-Report/ba-p/3001692