Original topic:

TV Display/Screen Issues (lines, edge bleed, dif. color spots etc.)

(Topic created: 09-08-2023 05:36 PM)
QLED and The Frame TVs


I used to use a Crystal TV 7000 Series from Samsung from a cuple of years, and actually I have this TV and it stills working on my kitchen. This year I wanted to test something new with different kind of screens, so I adventured buying a S90C 65" last June 2023, in fact the experience with its pefect colors, high quality and so on is pretty cool.
The issue is that last week the TV S90C 65" was reciving an upgrade for its IOS and a couple of days ago it starting to appears in the middle of the screen a green led, I don't know if it coud be fixed. I'm very concern because I have no more than 3 moths with my new tv.


1 Reply
Community Manager
Community Manager
QLED and The Frame TVs

Hey there! I definitely understand how frustrating that can be and am happy to help you 🙂 Check out this troubleshooting link for some assistance: https://www.samsung.com/us/support/troubleshooting/TSG01202526/


In the event the above did not correct the issue, service would be the next option.

1.) Reach out to a Moderator directly, by selecting our name and the message option. When messaging please use a link to this thread in addition to the info above.
2.) Reach out to us on Facebook or Twitter. Please provide the same info as above, as well as the link to your thread.
3.) You can also contact 1-800-726-7864, if you’d like to speak with a live agent about this situation.
4.) If you wish to speak with a live agent and don’t want to call in, you can reach out to our Live Chat team. 

5.) Last, you can reach out to the retailer you purchased this from and see if they'll let you do an exchange or refund.