Original topic:

Q60R Grainy Picture Solution - Optical Audio Connection

(Topic created: 02-22-2022 08:53 AM)
QLED and The Frame TVs

After two years of fine service and a great picture, I noticed a hazy or grainy quality on my Q60R 55-inch QLED 4K UHD TV, even in UHD content from streaming or DVD sources. Sometimes picture quality improved by connecting/disconnecting HDMI cables from external devices, but the hazy or grainy quality always returned. I read and tried dozens of picture setting tips to rectify this, but only fiddling with cable connections would sometimes fix it, but only temporarily. 

The solution presented itself only through the failure of the OPTICAL AUDIO CABLE to my Samsung Soundbar (purchased separately  from the TV. When the cable failed, the TV picture returned to its original,  gorgeousness! Months of annoyance and frustration ended due to a simple chance cable failure. 

Thinking that the optical cable was the culprit,  I got a replacement,  but connecting  the soundbar with the new cable affected tge picture just like before. I am now connecting to the soundbar via Bluetooth with no picture problems. 

The mystery of WHY this audio connection would affect picture quality remains, but I hope this solution will help ar least one frustrated person who has tge same problem.


2 Replies
QLED and The Frame TVs

Submitter's Update:

Unfortunately, the great picture lasted only a couple of days before we went back to sometimes great-sometimes fuzzy again.  Addition of high-quality HTMI cables for external devices did not see to make a lot of difference, except in making the "bad" picture a little less fuzzy.

Logically, none of the external cables should have ANY effect on the picture from the TV ITSELF!  Before disconnecting that optical audio cable, I considered that the picture quality changes were reactions to humidity levels in the house, or some other external, random factor.

It ls terribly frustrating because when the picture is "good" it is VERY good, then, for no apparent reason, it goes fuzzy or semi-fuzzy.

Any reasonable input, beyond the standard "make these adjustments to the picture settings" would be appreciated.  Now I am considering a new TV...probably not a Samsung...try my luck with another brand.

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Community Manager
QLED and The Frame TVs

I can definitely understand your concern here. Let's try to alleviate some of the stress by trying this link: 


If this does not help I recommend letting a service technician have a look. As we would like to gather additional information and look at this from a case by case basis please provide the full model code and the serial number of the device as well as your best contact phone number, name, and email.  
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