Original topic:

Firmware 1402 gives no screen with HDMI 2.1 input signal plus and RTX 3090 on Q950TS.

(Topic created: 11-27-2020 10:30 AM)
QLED and The Frame TVs



Ever since updating to firmware 1402 I have been unable to get any picture from my RTX 3090. I pull out and insert the HDMI cable to get the TV to detect the PC and that works to get image but input signal plus is disabled that way. Turning input signal on results in no input screen. Using any other than HDMI port 4 works fine with input signal plus but these don't have the benefits of HDMI 2.1.


I have a CX too and the RTX 3090 works fine with ultra HD deep colors at 4K 120 Hz 10 bit HDR.


It worked on the previous firmware and I hope there will be no unpleasant surprises with HDMI 2.1 and Xbox Series X and PS5 next month.

12 Replies
QLED and The Frame TVs

Are you sure that it isn't a problem with Nvidia? They are doing pretty bad with their last drivers, especially 456.51 driver.

QLED and The Frame TVs

Well, it worked on an ealrier TV firmware so the new one broke something.


Also tried again with 457.09 drivers that came out a few days ago, still no screen in windows when you turn on input signal plus.


Like @userQ1zu5lCx7x  said, you get the boot screen when starting up but windows gives nothing with input signal plus. Smiley Frustrated

QLED and The Frame TVs

Having the same issue with my 3080 and Q90T.  No signal with input signal plus enabled.  I can see the boot up screen but lose signal as soon as it gets to Windows. 

QLED and The Frame TVs
hi there
QLED and The Frame TVs

<sigh>.  Same problem - I just received my RTX 3090 and was so stoked to finally run my PC at 8K.  But on plugging it in, the Q950TS automatically goes to 4K@60Hz mode, with Input Signal Plus disabled.  If I try to enable it in Settings on HDMI 4, I just get a blank screen.  I've managed to get limited success by enabling game mode on the TV (which auto enables input signal plus). But this results in a very washed out image on screen, still in 4K60Hz but no option to change the resolution to 8K.  I have a Monoprice 8K HDMI 2.1 cable, which worked fine up till now, but I've only just started testing the high bandwidth requirements of 8K with the RTX 3090.  I have a HDMI 2.1 certified cable on order so that I can rule out cable issues, but as you mentioned yours worked prior to the 1402 firmware update, I expect the cable is not the culprit.  What a mess, so many HDMI 2.1 compatible devices came out before any input sources were available and now everyone is fighting fires.

QLED and The Frame TVs

Firmware 1403.1 is out on the Samsung website.  Does that fix any of these issues?  I can't test it myself as I can't install FW from the US region on my Australian Q950TS and it is not yet available via a TV update.

QLED and The Frame TVs

Just tested with 1403, still a black screen for me when I turn on input signal plus on HDMI 4. Cat Frustrated

At least 4K 120Hz HDR FreeSync/VRR from Xbox Series X worked then I tried it! 


QLED and The Frame TVs

Has anyone found a fix for this no signal issue on an RTX 30 series? I've been using HDMI 2 and getting 4K@120hz but only at 4:2:0, 8 bit, and no HDR.  It feels bad not being able to take full advantage of this TV or my graphics card. 

Cosmic Ray
QLED and The Frame TVs

Exact same issue here, got a Q80t connected to an RTX 3070 using an hdmi 2.1 cable and it shows no signal as soon as you switch on input signal plus on HDMI 4. Unable to use 4K 120hz with HDR.


Running the latest drivers and firmware on the TV. 


Were you able to find a fix?