Original topic:

Samsung refusing warranty

(Topic created: 11-29-2022 09:53 AM)
Cosmic Ray
Monitors and Memory

I purchased a new, unused, in original packaging 2TB 870 EVO SSD from eBay in May of 2021. I was having performance concerns with it and reached out to Samsung for help. They informed me that because eBay is "not an authorized retailer," they would not honor the warranty. The serial number of the drive shows active warranty through 2026. Now, the drive has 100% failed and isn't even recognized by the PC's BIOS. Yes, I have properly diagnosed the drive has failed; changed power and SATA cables, and changed ports on the motherboard.

How is it even legal for Samsung to deny warranty based on where it was purchased? Especially when the serial number indicates another  3 years of warranty? Now I have a $160+ paperweight.

Imagine buying a used car that's still under the manufacturer's warranty, and having the manufacturer refuse to honor it because you bought it from a private party... Seems vaguely like warranty fraud...

14 Replies
Cosmic Ray
Monitors and Memory

A: I purchased a new, unopened product.

B: I purchased (what I thought was) a high-quality product manufactured by a leader in the industry with a stellar reputation.

C: The seller had a near-perfect rating, with other new tech products for sale.

D : After nearly 40 years of working with warranty policies in the automotive industry, it never occurred to me that a manufacturer could pull their warranty due to the place of purchase; even used.

E: The Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act.

Honored Contributor
Monitors and Memory
All of what you said is true, however, it doesn't matter! Have you read the Magnuson Moss Warranty act? One of the provisions is that there must be a valid warranty to begin with. You do not have a valid warranty. You did not purchase from an authorized dealer or from Samsung and the warranty is not transferable. How much simpler can that be put?
Community Manager
Community Manager
Monitors and Memory

Hello! Thank you for reaching out! I understand how this can cause some frustration with not being able to use the warranty on your SSD. Unfortunately, if the SSD was not purchased through an authorized reseller we would be unable to transfer the warranty. You can read more about our warranty statement here: https://semiconductor.samsung.com/us/consumer-storage/support/warranty/. Please feel free to contact us directly at 1 (800) 726-7864 if you have any other questions or concerns. 

Cosmic Ray
Monitors and Memory

So, if I were to buy a 1-year-old used SSD from a private seller, the warranty wouldn't transfer? Again, I reference the used car market.

Sorry, sir, but since you bought your $80K 1-year-old Navigator from your neighbor, there's no warranty. Sorry about your $5K transmission repair.

Monitors and Memory
I read the warranty, not sure if I'm allowed to link. Yes, that's essentially what it says.

There was never really a warranty to begin with because it has to be purchased through the manufacturer or AD and is non-transferable. So the third party can at the most offer a third party warranty if they choose to do so. The warranty you see as active isn't valid for you as you have no proof of purchase from an AD.