Original topic:

Odyssey Ark Multiple Inputs Update?

(Topic created: 12-26-2023 08:21 AM)
Monitors and Memory

Good afternoon,

        I'm inquiring about when will there be an update that allows the montior to work on multiple inputs? Before buying the monitor back in November I spoke with a technical representative who mentioned that Samsung intends on doing a software update later on which would allow you to use multiple inputs such as 2 HDMI devices. Since that time there really hasn't been much updates that have came through for this monitor. I know models such as the Neo G9 had the ability to use multiple inputs and the newest monitor that is OLED has the ability to also use multiple inputs. So I'm curious if Samsung truly does intend on pushing out an update that gives us all the ability to use what most of us probably purchased this monitor to do. I do understand that you could do work arounds such as connecting via bluetooth or airplay however the lag is not worth the struggle in my opinion. Will Samsung be pushing out an update that many are wanting for this monitor that could be one of the best?

22 Replies
Monitors and Memory

Its weird, they both use the exact same display, I wonder what would happen if you throw on a gen 2 box and flash the display with gen 2 firmware?

Monitors and Memory

I am still unsure about the capabilities of multiview.  Can the Gen2 model take two physical inputs (DP and HDMI 2.1) from a single computer to have 2x 3840x1080 displays?  I currently have two 49" CRG9 based 5120x1440 monitors stacked with separate workspaces.  One is failing with discoloration and backlight issues and having a single physical monitor with that capability might be a better option.

Monitors and Memory

Yeah I was very disappointed to not be allowed to use a game console and PC at the same time on the Gen1 ARK. Now there is a Gen2 that supposedly *can*? Yeah can I please get the option to upgrade my existing ARK? The thing has honestly been a PITA to use as a daily driver with how SLOW it is to go in and out of fullscreen. (over  10 seconds). Consistently will start flickering after changing modes or sleeping. Slow remote. Bad ui and ux for a "monitor".