Original topic:

Refrigerator noise in days old Bespoke 29

(Topic created: 08-09-2022 07:13 AM)
Kitchen and Family Hub

The new Bespoke 29 refrigerator we had delivered on Friday August 5 2022, is now making a whining noise that can be heard from more than a room away. The unit seems to be cooling and it has ice in the ice cube bins. I tried turning the ice makers off, then on again and the noise did not change, but a few minutes later it stopped. This is a new noise, and we're not sure if we should be concerned.

2 Replies
Kitchen and Family Hub
The unit would be under warranty. Just file a service request.
Community Manager
Community Manager
Kitchen and Family Hub

Hi there, I can definitely understand the concern with hearing this noise from your brand new refrigerator. Often times there are very simple solutions to these types of sounds. I'm providing a link to our guide on these noises to help with this. https://www.samsung.com/us/support/troubleshooting/TSG01001032/

However, once you've checked the possible causes in the guide, if your refrigerator is still making this sound, it will require service. You have a few options for setting up this service, but you'll need to gather together the full model and serial number of your unit, and have ready your name, street address, 2 phone numbers (Best contact, alternative number), email, and place of purchase. You can provide this information to an agent, in one of the following options below:
1.) Reach out to a Moderator directly, by selecting our name and the message option. When messaging please use a link to this thread in addition to the info above.
2.) Reach out to us on Facebook or Twitter. Please provide the same info as above, as well as the link to your thread.
3.) You can also contact 1-800-726-7864, if you’d like to speak with a live agent about this situation.
4.) Last, if you wish to speak with a live agent and don’t want to call in, you can reach out to our Live Chat team.