Original topic:

RF260BEAESG French Door ice tray freezing solid

(Topic created: Sunday)

The fridge/freezer, everything else seems to work just fine.

The ice maker dispenses perfect ice cubes; but the then ice in the bottom of the ice tray freezes into a solid block of ice.

Thanks for some help!

3 Replies
Honored Contributor
Kitchen and Family Hub

As is the nature of very many icemakers, if you go too long without dispensing ice, it just freezes together.  It might help if you make it a morning routine to dispense a cup of ice whether you need it or not.  I have had stuff like this happen over the years, regardless of the brand of refrigerator.  I also turn my icemaker off when I know it's full to prevent the cubes from tamping down if the stop arm fails to work. I turn it back on when it's empty. I find that the auger is usually strong enough to break it up.


Thank you for the quick response!  However, that's not quite the fix.     more refinement ==>

- The ice cubes dumped into the tray are all separate and perfectly formed, etc. 
- Within a matter of hours, the cubes in the tray begin to stick together in a solid mass.  It's a though water is being dripped on them.  (Maybe that's happening?)
- The vents in the back of the freezer compartment look clear.
- Everything else in the freezer is good and frozen solid.

Thanks for any other suggestions,

Honored Contributor
Sounds like the defrost cycle on the icemaker is running too long (Yes, there's a defroster in the icemaker, for obvious reasons). The ice is melting and then the mass is refreezing. You need service for the unit.