Original topic:

Dishwasher auto release not working :(

(Topic created: 03-05-2020 12:57 PM)
Kitchen and Family Hub

My auto release function is not working. It is turned on but is not opening  at end cycle. 

Model DW80R9950

68 Replies
Kitchen and Family Hub

I am having the same problem! Was your issue ever fixed? My new dishwasher performed the auto release function the very first time I used it, but from the second use onward it has not worked again. Function is enabled- menu reads A1 like in the link- but the door never pops open. Model DW80R7061US

Kitchen and Family Hub

Hello, no, issue was never resolved. Samsung told me to check the settings to make sure it was activated to A1. I unplugged dishwasher for 5min to try to reset it.  I tried everything but still isn't working. I purchased through Best Buy and will call them for a service repair. It's frustrating. It's one of the reasons I purchased this dishwasher. I will update post if it ever gets resolved. 

Black Hole
Kitchen and Family Hub

Hello @userfqJbmGL6va, I do see where we tried to get you set up for service on Feb. 11 AT 8:57 PM and we followed up with you on Feb. 12 AT 8:59 PM. If you are responding to the email notification that goes to a do not reply email address that we don't have access to it. Feel free to send us your information to proceed with service via private message. http://bit.ly/33ipYnO

Be sure to click " ✓ Accept as Solution" when you find an answer that works for you.

Please note, notification emails are a DO NOT REPLY address, you must log-in on the community page in order to respond.

Kitchen and Family Hub

Hello, yes, Samsung did offer to set up a repair. I did reply to service repair to let you know that  I purchased dishwasher through Best Buy and purchased the extended way through Best Buy geek squad. I can contact them for repair. I just haven't done so yet.

Black Hole
Kitchen and Family Hub

Gotcha! Well please don't hesitate to reach back out to us for anything 🙂

Be sure to click " ✓ Accept as Solution" when you find an answer that works for you.

Please note, notification emails are a DO NOT REPLY address, you must log-in on the community page in order to respond.

Black Hole
Kitchen and Family Hub

Hello @usero28M2hL1Bx. When you say that they auto release does not open the door, is that on all cycles?

Be sure to click " ✓ Accept as Solution" when you find an answer that works for you.

Please note, notification emails are a DO NOT REPLY address, you must log-in on the community page in order to respond.

Kitchen and Family Hub

So far I have only used the Normal cycle. Auto release worked the first time, but every cycle since it has failed to open. The dishwasher was installed only 10 days ago- Model DW80R7061US

Black Hole
Kitchen and Family Hub

Okay, when the door does not open is the A1 showing on the display or no? Also, can you try to use it on a different cycle and see what happens?

Be sure to click " ✓ Accept as Solution" when you find an answer that works for you.

Please note, notification emails are a DO NOT REPLY address, you must log-in on the community page in order to respond.

Kitchen and Family Hub

I just ran an Express 60 cycle to see what happens. When the timer reached 5 the dishwasher chimed 3 times and I heard the fan inside turn on. But the door did NOT open. The timer kept counting down until it reached 3, and then stopped there, fan still spinning, door still closed. The timer stayed at "3" with the fan blasting for at least 15 mins. Finally the timer went down to 0, machine sang a little song, and the cycle was done... door stayed closed the whole time. The fan was still going even after the cycle ended.

Kitchen and Family Hub

yes the display reads A1