Original topic:

Dishwasher DW80K5050US turns off and on repeatedly

(Topic created: 03-08-2021 06:22 PM)
Kitchen and Family Hub

My dishwasher is about a year and a half old.  Tonight it just began to randomly turn on and off on its own.  It didn't stop until I turned the breaker off to the dishwasher.  I left the power off for an extended period of time and when I turned power back on it started to turn on and off randomly again.  I'm guessing the control board is bad but I really hope Samsung makes a quality enough product that it doesn't break in less than 2 years.  It def was not a cheap appliance!

1 Solution

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Samsung Moderator
Samsung Moderator
Kitchen and Family Hub

Hey, give this link a shot: https://www.samsung.com/us/support/troubleshooting/TSG01001916/ If this does not help I recommend letting a service technician have a look. As we would like to gather additional information and look at this from a case by case basis please provide the full model code and the serial number of the device as well as your best contact phone number, name, and email.  
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6 Replies
Honored Contributor
Kitchen and Family Hub

Has it shown any error codes? Have you experienced any leaks? 

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Kitchen and Family Hub

I’m having the exact same issue. It started today. There have been no error messages or leaks leading up to the start of the issue. Please advise. 

Samsung Moderator
Samsung Moderator
Kitchen and Family Hub

Have you completed a power cycle of the unit or checked the circuit breaker to make sure it's not tripped? Have there been any power outages recently?

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Kitchen and Family Hub

I am having the same issues for a week now. The unit (dw80k5050us) turn on and off repeatedly and ignore signals from the user buttons. If already replaced the switch on the unit twice and now this power/controls issues. There are no leaks and no recent power outages except back in the Texas winter storm.  Yes i've power cycles and the like....


I've had many problems with this model and reviews have stated similar problems through out past two years... I'm afraid to ask on any warranty help as i guess there is nothing.


What am i to expect?

Kitchen and Family Hub

The last post got locked after I got a response noting to look at some other troubleshooting pages... This ALSO meant that I could not respond to the blanket "troubleshoot" response...

In the end I figured out that the problem... the unit allows steam to get into the control board in the head of the unit. That said, this was thought of by Samsung and an attempt to cover the circuit board in clear epoxy was made. Regardless of the attempt the board was not sufficiently covered and moisture had bridge across connections near the "power" and "Indicator Light" section, this shorted and created a repeated on and off function of the dishwasher. 

I cleaned the connections and covered with clear varnish as should have been done. I would appreciate if Samsung would acknowledge this. I only figured this out after unadhearing the plastic cover from the frame and exposing the circuit board underneath. THis would've been a $200 repair in just materials alone, not including some (+$200) service tech likely stating I needed to replace it regardless.  

I've replaced switches on this unit twice and now this... If I wouldn't have figured it out that means $600 in repairs to this unit in less than two years. That's with me not paying for labor the first two times and OEM parts...


With how much I spent on this dishwasher, I hope Samsung appreciates this feedback.

Samsung Moderator
Samsung Moderator
Kitchen and Family Hub

Hey, give this link a shot: https://www.samsung.com/us/support/troubleshooting/TSG01001916/ If this does not help I recommend letting a service technician have a look. As we would like to gather additional information and look at this from a case by case basis please provide the full model code and the serial number of the device as well as your best contact phone number, name, and email.  
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