Original topic:

Uninstall bixby

(Topic created: Sunday)
Galaxy Watch

I have the galaxy s7 watch. I NEVER use bixby nor do I ever plan on using bixby in the future. How do we remove all these wasteful apps??

Seems like it'd be nicer to have the option to use apps we like and actually want. 12 apps on this watch I'll never use.    What's the work around to delete ?

2 Replies
Honored Contributor
Galaxy Watch

You don't have to use it if you don't want to. That's the only choice you have. You can't delete it, it's part of the UI/OS and fully integrated. It takes up no additional space on your phone, it's located in the system space. Same for the other apps. If there is no uninstall option, it's an integrated app. You can go through the apps on the watch and see if any of the ones you want to uninstall have the uninstall option. If they don't, move them into a folder and ignore them.

Honored Contributor
Galaxy Watch
You can delete it with adb, but its always a risk when removing system apps