Original topic:

Racing (running) with a Watch 5 Pro

(Topic created: 05-05-2024 10:10 AM)
Galaxy Watch

Hello.  Yesterday I participated in a 5k race and used my Watch 5 Pro.  I'm curious if anyone else runs races with a galaxy watch - how do you START the running feature when you cross the starting line? 

One method I have used is to start the running feature prior to race start, selecting "pause" and then "resume" when I cross the line.  It works, but it's a little cumbersome hitting the screen while trying to run.  

Has anyone tried changing the lower button's function to "pause" & "resume"?  I'm curious how well that would work.

Does anyone have a better method?  

Thanx so much!

3 Replies
Galaxy Watch

I've been running with my galaxy watch for a while now.  Overall it's great.  I have no complaints on it's current functionality.  And there are a couple things that would make the experience much better - they are not difficult - just a little software.

1. If you ever watch a marathon you will see almost every runner click a BUTTON on their watch (usually a garmin) when they cross the starting line.  Starting a TRAINING session with the running app on a galaxy watch is easy - no problems there.  However, starting a RACE with the running app is inconvenient at best.  The simplest and cumbersome way I start a race now, is to start the running app, wait until it counts down, select pause, then try to hit the screen in the right spot to resume tracking when I cross the line.  It's not easy, it's not convenient.  Can we have a "race mode" that allows us to use the bottom button as a "start", "pause", "resume"?

2. There is no way to set a target PACE.  I can set a target distance, or a target time, and the setting for intervals are so much better now (THANK YOU!!).  On certain training sessions and during a race it would be so helpful to have an audible "tone/pulse" telling me whether I am "on pace", "above pace" or "below pace".  The watch already keeps track of pace.  It verbally tells me my pace at set intervals (1 mile for example).  That's not what I'm looking for.  I want an audible tone maybe every 30 seconds.  Let's call that a "medium tone".  When I'm above pace, maybe the frequency increases and the tone changes to a "higher tone".  When I'm below pace, maybe the frequency decreases slightly (don't want to go too long between signals) and a "low tone" is heard.  I have looked at the running coach app - I don't see an easy way to remove the 5 minute warm up and cool down - so that doesn't work in current form.

I think these changes push the galaxy watch closer to the fitness industry leader - Garmin.

I'm happy to help test whatever you come up with.  Thank you!

Galaxy Watch

I wish this watch would let us write a custom running workout, and I wish I could use my phone or computer to write the workout and upload to the watch.

Here's the example:  I want to run 10 minutes at a 5k pace (would be nice if I could turn on/off audible prompts regarding pace target) then I want a 3 minute recovery, then four times 2 minutes at a 2k pace, with a 3 minute recovery in between each.  Then I want to repeat the whole cycle two times.  

The only way I can see doing this now, is to start a run, and then use the timer to track when to switch to the next interval.  

I don't have a garmin - but their website says they can write a custom running session on a computer and upload to the watch. 

I've heard the argument that if you want a sports watch, you want a garmin, galaxy's are not for decerning athletes.  This watch has all the sensors needed; all the basics are there.  Only a little extra programming is required.  Just a few simple additions and you're so much closer to the leader.

Galaxy Watch

I've been thinking about the audible pace notification.  Can we have two beeps, the first is always at a medium tone.  The second would sound about a second after the first, and be either high, medium or low depending on the difference between the runner's current pace and the set pace.  The interval between beeps would be user settable.  

An additional feature would be the ability to change the watch background color to red (slower than set pace), green (at set pace), yellow (faster than set pace).  While running, the watch face color would give you an immediate and very clear indication of relative pace.  

Thank you.