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Galaxy Watch series persistent voicemail notifications - Samsung lack of customer service

(Topic created: 05-22-2022 03:00 PM)
Honored Contributor
Galaxy Watch

I am really not loving this Samsung support model, which appears to be "let's start a community and let users solve each other's problems and we won't have to do anything at all" and maybe you can hope that Samsung support will see your post and weigh in.

Samsung must develop a way to dismiss persistent notifications. I don't need a constant notification on my watch of a voicemail that does not exist. It wastes battery power and annoys the user. THERE IS NO VOICEMAIL. At the very, very least, the notification should disappear when the voice mailbox is accessed (message or not). There also is absolutely no reason for a notification to be ongoing. If a user saw a notification and chose to ignore it, there is no reason to keep reminding them of it. ONGOING NOTIFICATIONS SHOULD NOT EXIST.

I noticed that even when there is a legitimate voicemail notification, I cannot dismiss it until I access the voicemail. This is wrong. At the very least there should be a setting whereby you can a) select if you want notifications to be ongoing and b) select how many times and at what intervals you want to be reminded, or c) not have an ongoing notification at all.

I understand this particular issue seems to be with the Galaxy Watch 4 and T-Mobile, and T-Mobile says their Samsung tech liaison team is working with Samsung, and Samsung will, supposedly, eventually come up with a fix for it. But it would not be happening in the first place if any of the suggestions above were utilized. I also understand that some people have had success with resolving this issue by factory resetting their watch. I refuse factory reset my watch for a minor issue, especially when the backup data may contain whatever error is causing this, and I don't want to have to go through all my settings again after a reset, just to get my watch to function properly.



124 Replies
Galaxy Watch

I had this same issue when I got my Watch4 (TMO LTE - DIGITs line).  This was about Dec 2021 timeframe.

Many times throughout each day, I get notifications of a non-existent voice mail messages.

TMO support was clueless about this issue.  Then, I had Samsung support and I was lucky to have gotten a support rep that previously to worked in TMO's network support area.  He knew of the issue and said that he would solve the issue now.  He made me factory reset my Watch4 AND reset the phone plan.  When you a reset your watch, you have to also select the option to reset the phone plan.  Ever since then, I never had a persistent voice mail message again.  Worked perfectly.  The only problem that this had created was that after the phone reset, i had to setup the phone plan again which was the easy part.  Unknowingly, this created a new DIGITs line (which is OK), but the first line was still on my account.  I was getting charged for two lines.  I had to contact TMO support to delete that first line, but it took a lot of explanation.  All has been good since. 

Honored Contributor
Galaxy Watch
At some point, it just stopped happening, i assume it was fixed in an update. Haven't been bothered wirh it since, and I never had to reset my watch
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Watch
I have a Galaxy Watch4 (SM-R865U) on build SQU1FVD4. I am on T-Mobile and so is the watch (both phone and watch obtained from T-Mobile).

Everytime my phone and watch are separated, I get two voicemail notifications back to back. Only problem is I don't have a pending voicemail. Every time I call into my voicemail from my watch, it says I don't have any new messages.

Another thing to note is that I have switched to Google Voice on my phone for voicemail. I've done this by turning on conditional forwarding within the calling settings app on my phone. I don't see these options on my watch.

Some of what I've mentioned will probably be irrelevant to a lot of you who read this, but does anyone else experience this issue? It's like clockwork every time I forget my phone, I get two voicemail notifications on the watch that don't go away until the phone is connected again.

And I've tried everything reasonable I can think of to fix this... Including reconnecting the watch to the phone, but it doesn't help.

Looking forward to see what others have seen.
Neutron Star
Galaxy Watch

I personally don't use the LTE version so I cant really share the same experience, I would suggest you report the issue using wear app > menu > contact us > error report   after reproducing the issue.

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Watch
**** SOLUTION ****
I saw a post on a similar thread yesterday. The solution has been found:

Reset your mobile plan, then factory reset watch.

I HIGHLY recommend you be on the phone with your carrier at the time. Mine is T-Mobile, and they had to reattach my watch to my account.
Galaxy Watch
This is happening to me too. Its annoying!
Galaxy Watch

Hey Samsung.... why don't you spend some time fixing this voicemail issue. It has gotten old very fast. Last time I sent my Gear 3 Classic in to repair you lost it. So I'm a bit untrusted of sending to repair when it's a software issue. Payed good money for this dang wat h and I'd like it to work right.

Honored Contributor
Galaxy Watch
Voicemail is a carrier thing. Not Samsung
Galaxy Watch
All I know is it is their watch. I see multiple T-moble issues with same problem and I'm at&t. So two providers with problems?
Honored Contributor
Galaxy Watch
Yes voicemail is a carrier thing. Not a Samsung thing. Samsung is an electronic manufacturer it has nothing to do with service provided by a phone carrier