Original topic:

"Samsung 25 Ultra", Contact shortcut needed!

(Topic created: Thursday)
Galaxy S25

One improvement I need! 

I love this new phone... but I need a short cut to my individual contacts. I get phasing out samsung messages and that's cool.  But I don't always want to call the person I'm communicating with.  And I don't always have time to sift through all of my contacts. 

What I loved about my old samsung note was the option to have a direct dial widget, direct message widget, or a contact widget (which was basically just a short cut to that specific contact page).

I noticed that my side bar contacts still give me the option to call or text. It's all about options.I don't care what message system I use; I just want the option to pick from my home screen. 

Thank you for reading my post! 

1 Reply
Galactic Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S25

You can add a direct dial and a direct text widget to your Home Screen 

long press on the home screen and select widget


direct dial select the 1x1 and select the contact you want same with direct text

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