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S25 Ultra Notification Grouping Problem

(Topic created: Wednesday)
Galaxy S25
S25 Ultra owner since the day it came out. Overall happy with the phone but it's getting exhausting missing messages due to this problem.... 

Pretty much everyone is using Google Messages at this point for the RCS compatibility feature with iPhone users (pretty stoked about that) but it's one of the many Apps that "Group" their Notifications and it's killing me. 

My lock screen will show 7 individual notifications for any kind of Social (ie 7 Instagram DMs) but only a single Messages notification with a small number on the side. Sure, I can tap it and they'll expand, but I genuinely miss it a few times a day and I need a fix. Somehow all of the Social Media notifications are all individually shown, but not what's actually important, weird.

I've tried the Notification Categories, I've scoured this app, Reddit, and YT. I've even tried to customize the Do Not Disturb. Nothing has worked. Only one other thread on here complaining, it seems. I can't be the only one lol Please tell me someone has a solution!
10 Replies
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S25
I know it's not what you are looking for, but why not just open the messaging app and read the unread texts instead of the notification? Google messages highlights conversations with unread texts snd puts a number indicator next to them to show how many mew texts are in a conversation.
Galaxy S25
Yes, you are correct that's not what I'm looking for.
Galaxy S25

I have two suggestions until a fix/modification (if this actually will be addressed) is implemented with the next software update. Go to setting/notifications and toggle on "Notification alerts". Then, then open the section and choose what to modify, like repeating alerts in time intervals, and to which app to apply those settings as well as turning on "Vibrate when sound plays".

The other option is to sue Good Lock module from the Galaxy Store an open that, then install the plugin "NotiStar" . That particular plugin will show up as an app shortcut in the app drawer. Make a spot on the home screen for it and open with when you get notifications in your status bar. It will open every notification and even provide some details. Clicking on the notification will open the relevant app connected to that notification.

Galaxy S25
I appreciate the work around here, my actual issue is that while working I often just glance at my phones locked screen, and if I don't see any pertinent notifications, I just go about my work.

So an initial text comes in that's not worth breaking stride, then it's all I see, even though there are important texts hidden beneath it.

Breaking the habit I've had since the S8 Active is tough lol
Galaxy S25

OK, then try this; by going to Notifications/Advanced settings then toggle on "Manage notification categories for each app", the go back to the top and click on "sort notifications" and choose by priority. Now back out to the Notification section, open do not disturb and toggle tha ton, then go back a screen, then choose App notifications, then add the apps to allow during do not disturb.

Galaxy S25
That's how I have it currently. It does help. I appreciate your time and I'll hope they fix this issue in the future software updates
Galaxy S25

Tbh, it should not be that hard a process like going through those setting in the first place. One should just be able to set preference to what messages are most important as chosen by the user, etc.


Also, I forgot to mention that in NotiStar by clicking on the 3 vertical dots in the right of the keyword search bar, a filter list can be used and apps chosen not to trigger notifications at. On installation, it by default sets every app being enabled. If when there is time like when at home, play around with it and see of that helps even more. In the end, I hope everything gets sorted out. Have a good day!

Honored Contributor
Galaxy S25

What is your notification pop-up style set to, brief or detailed?  I think maybe brief gets grouped, but detailed would be individual. Not sure, though, since all my notifications are set to brief.  There is a setting, though, to exclude an app from brief notifications. I assume that means that that app will show detailed, individual notifications and not be grouped. Also, make sure that lockscreen notifications are set to show content (at least for the app in question).  I'm trying an experiment on that now.  I have excluded a single app that I know groups notifications to see if they now come in individually.  Here's hoping I get some multiples today.


Galaxy S25
Everything is on Brief. Do Not Disturb is always on now with all messages and all calls allowed. (That's annoying in itself sometimes that I have to do that).

In my perfect world all of my social media notifications would get grouped by app with brief notifications andthe number. And all my calls and messages would be individual brief notifications. Those are more important to me