Original topic:

S25U drops connections when apps sent to background

(Topic created: 7 hours ago)
Galaxy S25
Having an odd issue with my S25U that I never had with my S24U. I have a few work web sites that take forever to load, like 2+m as they load a lot of data into the main page. So often times I would set it to load on my s24u then switch to another app, then come back to it a few minutes later and it would be loaded. 

Same thing with my remote desktop app, if I connected, switched to another app, then came back it would still be connected on the s24u. 

But with the s25u if I leave an app for more than, say 10s, then come back, any established tcp connections is disconnected and I have to reconnect.

I've tried various things like turning off battery optimizations, adaptive battery, even enabled developer options and enabled allowing apps to execute in the background. But same issue. Anyone else seeing this and/or know of a fix?
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