Original topic:

Only 3 notifications and 4 status icons at the top?

(Topic created: a month ago)
Galaxy S25

Is this for real: just set up my S25+, and I only see 3 notification icons at the top left plus a dot, and 4 status icons on the right (speaker, WiFi, signal, battery). When I swipe down, I see I have 7 notifications and 7 status icons. I can NEVER tell if my alarm, Bluetooth, or NFC is ON. What gives Samsung? Will you fix this? I finally retired my beloved S20+, and this is enough for me to dump the S25+ for something that isn't going backwards.

Am I the only one experiencing this? Am I missing something?

24 Replies
Galaxy S25

Same problem S25U. I liked the old way where there were ALL the notification icons, not just 3 and a dot if there were more. Hopefully there will be a workaround for this in the future because I cant find one as of now Feb16 2025 šŸ˜  

Honored Contributor
Galaxy S25

And I prefer to have my status bar uncluttered by more than 3 icons.  It just really irritates me to see notification icons on the status bar so having more than 3, for me, would be overload.

Galaxy S25

That's why it should be customizable like so many other things on Android. Like it was before whatever recent change happened. 

Galaxy S25

Is this going to be resolved Samsung or should we start dumping your devices? 

I'm extremely disappointed after buying s25 ultra.

Bluetooth icon, wifi calling icon, alarm icons don't show on notifications, only 3 notifications up top, unbelievably stupid decisions Samsung is making.. 

I'm seeking this **bleep** off and buying OnePlus 13, much better overall.

Thanks Samsung for encouraging to move away from your devices. 

Honored Contributor
Galaxy S25

Chill out, the phone is only one month old.  They are still collecting feedback and working on updates/fixes. If you feel you need to dump the phone because you cannot pull down the notification shade to see what the other notifications are, or pull down the quick panel, then no one is preventing you from doing so.  I realize that this is not the point you are making, but there are workarounds until fixes emerge.  Life is full of obstacles which we have to learn to navigate.  It's no different with devices.