Original topic:

Hate the new S Pen

(Topic created: yesterday)
Galaxy S25

Removing the Bluetooth Features of the S Pen make it basically worthless to me. Why is this un Upgrade?


Don't care about translate or AI. I want gestures and the ability to control the camera remotely. 

Why take a "flagship" platform and downgrade a key feature. I am very unhappy.  This is my 4th Galaxy and I am disappointed and feel stuck with this phone for 2 years. Likely won't be going with Samsung again.

12 Replies
Galaxy S25
I know right? so annoying
Galaxy S25
The fact that Bluetooth was not going to be part of the S25 Ultra S-pen, was known well before it was released.

I get people are bummed about that, but what I do not get is people complaining about features etc that have been removed and not looked into before purchasing. People getting upset over these features no longer being available especially when this device runs almost $1300 without looking into what features are or are not included, should question whether their purchases are objectively considered or impulsive.
Galaxy S25
Any Samsung fan boy that can't see by removing things like a charger, s-pen Bluetooth, or using their latest HP9 censor is not up to the $1300 standard. Now if they lowered the initial cost of their flagship from last year....I might have a protected Samsung from the haters as impetuously as you.
Galaxy S25
Troll????..oh no. Please not that šŸ˜‚. Just cuz I don't believe the research "idea". Believe me I put research into this stuff too. I'm happy with my s24 ultra. Ultra....huh. I remember when that meant something. I was also excited about purchasing my ultra. Here we are again, a Samsung promise of 7 years of Android updates. Still waiting for my Android 15 update but Samsung is pushing it back a little further down the road....so they can help the slow sales of the 25 ultra. Alot of good that research did for me šŸ˜ž I'm guessing what Samsung meant by 7 years of Android updates will likely be two versions maybe three versions during those 7 years. When the rest of the Android world is on the 18th or 19th Android version. My s24 ultra will likely be on Android 16 by year 7. To be honest they should drop the ultra and call it the pro. I mean for crying out loud Samsung didn't even put the best screen that they have available on the s25 ultra! I got to give it to Apple. At least they push out there software updates to there devices in a timely matter. Later eagles 85 I got some more trolling I need to do. You keep that Samsung underwear on nice and tight I'm sure it feels good
Galaxy S25
This makes way more sense. Thank you for explaining. I agree with you. Sadly, I am more of mid level consumer and with my job I typically dont have the time to research the way I have this weekend. I am sad that Samsung has taken a step back.
Galaxy S25
You're right. If you're willing to shell out $1300+ for something you haven't researched thoroughly, it just tells me that you don't work hard enough for your money to appreciate it.
Galaxy S25
New or added features are easy to find. Items being removed may be available or "known" but they are not well know or easy to find. The average user isn't going to dig deeply to research every new or old feature and their status.

To remove something that has been a feature for many releases is not expected. I disagree with your consumer blaming.

I am voicing my opinion to Samsung and the community. Don't agree, move on. Agree let the developers know. Maybe they will reconsider the feature.
Galaxy S25
And that is fine and was not consumer blaming. But your own words here belie some absolution from purchasing a product because one expected features after previous versions have them.

So, where should the responsibility fall if someone says they are not going dig or whatever to research what's included or not in a $1300 device. This would have been an easy search just using a simple query or waiting a few weeks to see what people are saying who actually have the S25.

And I stand by my previous statement regarding making purchases objectively or impulsively. In the end you made the purchase, did not get what you expected. So either return it for refund and get another brand or adapt.
Galaxy S25
The Bluetooth s-pen started with the note9.

Just like the
Sd card
Headphone jack
Physical home button
Removable battery
Centered rear camera
LED notification light
Force home button

None of these are coming back and were disclosed before the device was released. You can go around calling people "trolls" or "schilling for a company" but you chose to purchase the device.