Original topic:

Always On Display no longer customizable on S25 Ultra?

(Topic created: 02-04-2025 11:53 AM)
Galaxy S25
Did Samsung remove all of the customize options for the always on display?? I can no longer find any way to change colors, add pictures, change the clock styles, etc. Also, app notifications are now showing up in the left hand corner instead of under the clock in the middle of the screen like before?? And before you ask - yes my software is updated to the latest firmware as of this post. 
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S25
The ability to hide the nav buttons is not a huge change. They had it before and they can put it back. If you are going to release a new phone, make sure the features you have with your old phone can be used on your brand-new phone so you don't feel like you are regressing. You should be able to at least do what you can do on your old devices with your brand-new one.
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S25

It is my understanding that Google didn't want it that way, hence all the customization options were moved to Good Lock. Since every user wants different customizations, it's much better to separate out all customization options, so people can choose which ones they want. Much better than having Samsung choose what customizations are to be included.

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S25
No reason it can't be included and users can select what they want. Not add an iPhone style option that most everyone with android hates. No reason they had to get rid of it when everyone asks to have it back. There's no logic to taking away features that you have and regressing to not having them on a brand-new phone. It's absolutely absurd! Sick if Samsung doing this!
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S25

Interesting, you speak for every Android user?  You do not speak for me.  I personally think the gestures are an abomination, and prefer the nav bar, but I don't begrudge anyone wanting to use them.  I also recognize the fact that regardless of the fact that I pay for an item and regardless of how much that item costs, I am purchasing it "as is" and making the choice to spend my money on it.  If improvements are made, all the better, but not everything the manufacturer (or even other users) think is an improvement may not be an improvement for me or for you.  Best to keep it compartmentalized.  The only thing I know about iPhones is that I don't like them and would never get one, so I don't know how they do their interface or customizations.  If you don't like the customization options you are being given by Samsung, move to Motorola, Asus, Blu, OnePlus, or any of the other dozens of Android phone makers.  The only thing I really care about on my device is that it's functional, it's intuitive to use, and it works.  Everything else is a plus.

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S25
I said most, not every. I like the nav bar but hidden as it takes up less space than way. It looks hideous having the buttons showing. This was an issue with the 24U as well. Lost count at the complaints. I don't care who made the mistake, Samsung or Google, but whomever **bleep** up and removed the best nav button feature there is. No reason an app with a module needs to be downloaded to have it back. And don't release a brand-new phone unless it will work like the last gen one at least. I would never buy any of those other phones. I pay for what I pay for and when they take away things I want I will complain about it because I'm paying for it. It's absolute stupidity to remove features that everyone wants to have access to. Everyone wants to be able to customize their nav bar. Having the ability to hide your nav buttons so it takes up less screen space is common sense. I guarantee there are more people out there who want to do that versus people who want ridiculous icons on their screens being in the way. There's simply no excuse for them to have removed that feature, and there's no way anyone will be able to justify it. They **bleep** up big time and they've not figured that out for some reason. Not sure who made that decision, but they need to see that more people want that than not. Plain and simple.
Galaxy S25
The number of posts regarding this issue prove that people are unhappy. We had more options and it's reverting to be more like iPhones. If I wanted an iPhone I would have bought one. My son has one and it's doing all the same stuff that our phones do now. I've just paid a lot of money for a phone that can't do what I want it to do. It's a waste and I'm bummed that I bought this thing.
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S25

Long press on the lock screen to bring up edit mode.  Then tap on the clock and you will see a selection of clock fonts, styles and colors to customize. 

Screenshot_20250204_125236_Wallpaper and style.jpg

Galaxy S25
This is the way
Galaxy S25
Oh good! You just told us something we already knew. Now we want our AOD options back. I don't want it to be the same as the lock screen and I don't want to download another app to do what my phone has been able to do since I had the Note 9. Google really messed this up for us.
Galaxy S25
After smart switch I realized my aod was not the same andi guess it's because I set it up before with a custom clock from good lock, and since that module hasn't been updated yet the clock from lock screen is being used, but the problem the me is I can barely see it, how do I make it brighter???