Original topic:

Wireless Charging Stand problem

(Topic created: yesterday)
Galaxy S24
I have a Samsung Wireless Charging Stand. EP N5200 which I have used with my SG24+ for over a year. Lately the charging stand is acting up.

When I place the phone on the connected stand, nothing happens. When I place the phone on the stand and THEN plug in the charging cable, the stand led blinks orange, then red, phone beeps and charging proceeds normally until 80% is reached and light turns green. 

This is the same charger and cable I have used for over a year. Same problem happens with a different charger and cable. 

Is this a known problem with the now no longer available N5200 charging stand or maybe a problem with a recent UI update and is there a fix? 

The problem is not the phone. I placed my 24+ on my wife's N5200 and no problem.. 
1 Reply
Community Manager
Community Manager
Galaxy S24

Hello PhilEsk, Thank you for being part of the Community. We understand the disappointment of wireless charging not working correctly.

Here is a link with several steps to try, including testing the charger with the phone in the Members app: https://www.samsung.com/levant/support/mobile-devices/issues-with-wireless-charging/

You can also send feedback with data logs to Samsung developers under the Support Tab in the Members app: https://us.community.samsung.com/t5/Tips-Tricks/How-to-Send-Feedback/ba-p/3001692

Let us know if this helps.