Original topic:

Titanium S Pen

(Topic created: 09-20-2024 07:56 AM)
Galaxy S24

Samsung needs to at least make a titanium s pen so that we can at least have the opportunity to buy one for the s24U. These cheap junk flimsy plastic S pens are absurd and outdated and bad for the environment anyhow. I love everything about Samsung and their products, but they need to start listening to their customers and stop prioritizing profit over consumer.

2 Replies
Black Hole
Galaxy S24
Stop spamming a community support forum for an objectively worse product experience because you're obsessed with a material.
Titanium is not better for the environment than plastic extrusion. Titanium mining is wildly resource and energy intensive. Titanium manufacturing is expensive, energy intensive and produces more waste than plastic extrusion.
It would block the multiple wireless frequencies that the spen uses to communicate with the phone because Titanium is RF opaque. This would also block wireless charging. As the S24U Spens wireless charging coil wraps fully around the body because the Spen does not have a "correct" insertion position. This means that the body of a titanium Spen would be bisected and fused together with plastic, creating an inconsistent material finish and a weak point.
None of this is to speak of the inflated price point or ergonomics of such a pen, both of which would doubtlessly be worsened.
Community Manager
Community Manager
Galaxy S24

Thank you for your interest in sharing your idea with Samsung. We appreciate your feedback and will tag it on the forum so that it will appear with other feedback, ideas, and requests. This will allow your post to be more easily found in the event that Samsung product groups are seeking outside feedback/requests/ideas regarding our products. 
