Original topic:

The lack of Security with Samsung

(Topic created: Saturday)
Galaxy S24

Unless you want every Samsung Employee. Government, hacker. and every moody nosey neighbor literally in your house, electronics, vehicles. And every other aspect is your life, I would seriously avoid any and all things Samsung. The more I learn, the worse this gets. There is far too much to write, but if you want to go bankrupt with the cheapest fake junk they can make, go for it. After 6 years of 24x7 harassment, it's time to throw this junk away and avoid it at all costs. I've spent a small fortune on their products, and have nothing but problems since the first S20 5 years ago. Never again. There is no security for the user, and it just opens the door to letting them all in. Beyond the intrusion, the damage to electronics alone is well over $50,000. More when you add in all the other problems it causes. Huge mistake.

7 Replies
Galaxy S24
Could you please elaborate on the circumstances that led to the security breach? Additionally, I would like to inquire about the potential risks associated with using third-party applications and the subsequent sale of collected user data.
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S24
Did you ever stop to think that maybe it was you who opened the door for all the stuff you say is happening? There are millions of Samsung users, and if everyone was being harrassed and hacked, Samsung would no longer be in business. In any case, no one is forcing you to continue using a product that you are not satisfied with.
Galaxy S24

A  victim of unlawful stalking, harassment and mobbing perpetrated by neighbors and members of their community under the guise of Community Policing is never responsible for the insidious, invasive and illegal acts that they are subjected to and that are committed against them. Each and every American Citizen is guaranteed certain  protections under the Bill of Rights in the constitution. Do you really want to live in a State where anyone can be placed on a watch list by authorities and allow their rights to be violated and for the criminal justice system to be circumvented? Do you realize how many innocent people are convicted of crimes they didn't commit as it is with our justice system? Now imagine that formality completely bypassed and ordinary citizens are playing the judge, jury and prosecutor. Do better, "relaud".

P.s. Is it a requirement to be self-righteous in order to be a contributor in this forum? The egos are pretty inflated 

Honored Contributor
Galaxy S24

Still not the responsibility of the phone manufacturer. 90% of "hacking" is done by either downloading malicious software or allowing others to have access to one's phone or accounts and not changing passwords when notice of data breaches occur or after a breakup. Many times, it comes in through a breach of the home internet. Anyone can be targeted by randos who have the knowledge to do sophisticated hacking, but they would still require an "in". Still not the responsibility of the phone manufacturer. Tools, like anti-virus/malware and other protections only work if you turn them on.

Black Hole
Galaxy S24

It is good to see that SOMEONE here has the back story on this.  I am in the "I've had Samsung products for years and have never been hacked" category, so it seems like the OP, and now You @TakeBackYourPrivacy are getting hacked all the time, despite there actually being security software on the phone.  What more can Samsung do without locking their devices down to only allow a handful of sites?

P.S. No you don't need to be self-righteous to post on these forums, but that door does swing both ways, as your post is a little preachy, even though it does not make sense outside of the context for what actually happened here, information 99% of us do not have.

Galaxy S24
Hilarious. Most of the time it's human error. I've upgraded at least once a year sometimes two when the note was still around since the s9 and have everything connected, everything and have had no hacks and I use the same 3 passwords for everything.
Galaxy S24
Of course, you're still on the Internet using a public Samsung app. If you really want zero Internet presence, turn off the Internet, cellphone, TV, Xbox, etc. Do not connect to the Internet in any way. Otherwise they'll get you.

In other news, Reynolds Foil is selling like hotcakes.