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S24 Ultra - Frameless Case

(Topic created: 04-22-2024 05:56 AM)
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Galaxy S24

I bought this frameless case for my S24 Ultra on amazon . and I loved it so bad. it doesn't thicken the phone.Yet it protects very well. I highly recommend it.Screenshot_20240422_124112_Samsung Members.jpgScreenshot_20240422_124114_Samsung Members.jpgScreenshot_20240422_124117_Samsung Members.jpgScreenshot_20240422_124121_Samsung Members.jpgScreenshot_20240422_124123_Samsung Members.jpgScreenshot_20240422_124125_Samsung Members.jpgScreenshot_20240422_124131_Samsung Members.jpgScreenshot_20240422_124136_Samsung Members.jpgScreenshot_20240422_124138_Samsung Members.jpgScreenshot_20240422_124140_Samsung Members.jpg

5 Replies
Red Giant
Galaxy S24
Let me quote something directly from you above, "it doesn't thicken the phone". What about all four corners that protrude which looks like at least a quarter inch beyond the edge of each side of the phone and the top and bottom of the phone as well? Furthermore, the magsafe apparatus appears to protrude from the back of the phone at least a quarter to 3/8 of an inch. So, yes it does make the phone's footprint much, much larger than it actually was with this case attached. So, for $39.95 it's a waste of money because if you drop it and it happens to fall and hit one of the exposed sides, there goes your phone. And finally the last picture is your showstopper! Look at the extra bulk as it's laying in your palm! And from your perspective, you believe this case "doesn't thicken the phone"?
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Galaxy S24

First of all , calm down. I promise everythıng gonna be okay. ıf you say , 39,95 is waste of money . so ı have some good news for you. you dıdn't pay for the case. ı dıd. So I have to thank you for carıng about my bank account. and one more thıng . ıt' s not a show off. there ıs no showstopper around thıs post. and fınally thank you for your comment. 

Black Hole
Galaxy S24
That looks amazingly uncomfortable
Not applicable
Galaxy S24

Thanks for your comment. But  my hands say the opposıte. have you ever heard '' Don't judge  the book by its cover'' and since I am the one who uses this case. My POV matters.  Thank you either way.

Galactic Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S24
Looks like any drop of the phone, and the back will break since they are absolutely no protection. I'll stick with normal cases that actually provide protection

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