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S24 Ultra Camera Quality Feedback

(Topic created: 02-20-2024 02:45 PM)
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24
As many of us are experiencing these camera issues where the post processing ruins images taken by making them grainy or too saturated. I found temporarily that using the camera in safe mode and airplane mode gave me way better results when using the camera . Hopefully they fix this soon
Turns out my camera issue is a hardware issue. I spoke to representative and there are no updates coming for the camera, only for the screen issues. I will return mine an get a new device. Seems I got a early model that was part of a bad batch. 
Update: got my replacement device today NIGHT AND DAY DIFFERENCE. now this is what the s24 ultra is supposed to be. WOW I can't believe the difference. The screen for sure is way brighter and more colorful and the camera is amazing and no issues with post processing ruining images. If anything it just makes them way better. I can't believe what a difference there is between the devices 
726 Replies
Galaxy S24


 for a $1300 phone, its embarrasing the quality of photos this phone takes or "optimizes". Took pictures of the beautiful sky and i see bands, lines all over. Compared to my wifes phone (iphone 15) i was furious to show this. Please fix your "picture optimizing" and allow me to disable. Its a disgrace to see this poor quality pictures. I attempted with 12mp 60 and 200mp and one is worse that the other. I wish i could upload them, but there is a file size limit here, so i cant even demonstrate the horrible pictures.

Galaxy S24
I, like many of you, have always felt superior when holding an android. Especially the samsung galaxy line. My S21 ultra still outperforms the IPhone in every way and I'm my friend groups designated photographer bc they all have i phones and love my quality more. 

I got the s24 ultra and it is legitimately terrible in almost every way. I took the camera to disney yesterday and I was so beyond disappointed at it's inability to capture true colors or have any vibrancy at all. It's all just a grainy dull mess. I don't even think I can return it bc of atnt's 14 day policy. So **bleep**g mad that they didn't get this right and now I'm stuck with this dull screen and dull camera. Why could they also keep the 10x? It was such a perfectly powerful camera with sick zoom? Just disappointed in everything about this. 

S24 ultra dark scene with bright light 


S21 ultra

S21 ultra 

S21 ultra 

Galaxy S24
Random shot with my unlocked S24 ultras camera. Taken looking out my window.20240210_123750_1000009765_1707586832.jpg
Galaxy S24
Turn off intelligent optimization and scene optimizer, download camera assistant and turn off auto hdr, also turn off super hdr in the gallery app. All this is garbage. The 50mp and 200mp pictures are also garbage due to the post processing that you can't turn off. Samsung has some things to fix. Samsung is also going to send a update to fix vivid so people like you who enjoy oversaturated screens. Yes they shouldn't have released this phone without fixing all this.
Galaxy S24
This seems to help!
Galaxy S24
What is camera assistant? I'm not seeing anything like that on the play store.
Galaxy S24

You have to download Goodlock. It's available only in USA region. When you install it there is Camera assistant option .

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24

Totally agree about 50/200mp trash quality! They're all oily and overprocessed... specially indoor or any lightning other than sunny bright days... Google pixel 8 pro 50mp is superior to this trash camera by far...

Shame on Samsung to sell us an expensive phone with trash camera...

Why did you release it if it wasn't tested and fixed yet?

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24

Well, aside from feeling superior when holding an Android or any phone (which is an absolutely unhinged and insane way to feel), there are definitely a few things that have changed and some of it helps, some of it hinders. – The notion that something has changed and the S24 now doesn't capture true colors vs previous generations is somewhat hilarious because these phones are notorious for always being either overexposed or oversaturated. This has been the case for many years, and if you think your S21 was capturing "true colors", then you've been living in a vacuum and not actually seen photos from any other phone on the market.

A few things to note:

1) The 200MP sensor which bins down to 12MP can be beneficial in many scenarios, but does come with the downside of increased processing time and power needed, which can cause issues. The phone also tends to overexpose or oversaturate in many scenarios which is nothing new but definitely not helped by the new sensor, struggling with accuracy especially in naturally high contrast scenarios. – The issue here, more than anything... is that the sensor itself is not all that large and much of what's being done is just post. Samsung played a numbers game instead of a results game.

2) As for the 10x... the 5x with a larger 50MP sensor is better. Objectively, without question. There are far fewer instances in which a 10x is going to be useful to almost anyone, meanwhile a good 5x is far more likely to be of use *AND* can be cut in to still get high quality digital 10x. – There's a reason Pixel uses a 5x, why iPhone now uses a 5x, and why Samsung now does, too. The jump between the relatively dinky 3x and an optical 10x is WAY too big and causes tons of quality dropoff between 3-10 which is a massive range that is more likely to be used by most people than anything at 10x+.

3) As for the "dull screen", I have no idea what you're on about. The S24 Ultra looks properly balanced and calibrated, which the same could not be said for previous generations where the display was so extremely oversaturated that you couldn't actually trust whether or not what you made on your phone would even look good anywhere else (and it usually didn't.) – The S24 Ultra's "vivid" mode actually looks the way it should, and natural is more toned down.

This was 10x digital *FROM A MOVING CAR*

This is 10x digital.20240208_095020.jpeg

This is from the main camera (had to scale it down since there's a file size limit of 5MB and it only accepts JPG)

20240208_140524 (2).jpeg

Galaxy S24
I swear some models are just **bleep** bc I can't seem to get pictures as clearly as you can.