Original topic:

Official Galaxy S24, S24+ & S24 Ultra, Shipping, and Feedback Thread

(Topic created: 01-29-2024 06:50 AM)
Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S24

Hello. Everyone that has Pre Ordered a Galaxy S24, S24+ or S24 Ultra, you can post any order or tracking updates here.

This thread is for Galaxy S24, S24+ and S24 Ultra pre-orders!

Usually, we try to include the following information:

- Date ordered:

- Where did you order from (samsung.com, carrier, retailer, etc.):

- Unlocked or Carrier variant:

- Model, storage capacity, Color:

- Did you trade-In:

- Estimated delivery date:

Then, once it ships, please come back and post an update with the same information above, but the actual stated shipping and delivery dates, and maybe even let us know once it's received. 



Here is my stuff:

- Date ordered: Jan 17th

- Where did you order from (samsung.com, carrier, retailer, etc.): Samsung.com

- Unlocked or Carrier variant: Unlocked

- Model, storage capacity:512GB Titanium Black

- You can share your trade-in info, if you want: Trading Galaxy S23 ultra

- Estimated delivery date: Jan 31

The link to pre order: Pre Order Galaxy S24 Series 

1,003 Replies
Galaxy S24

I'm having issues with an app saying it's not compatible with my phone. It's working fine on my S23 Ultra but S24 UMTS had the issue.


Jewel Mania from Storm8.

Not sure it's it's an issue with compatibility with 6.1

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24
I'm just a little confused because whenever I come on to this app the feedback on the s24 ultra is terrible but when I go on Facebook or any other social media the feedback on the s24 ultra is fantastic and all positive. I think the phone is amazing and I don't understand why everyone on here is complaining so much about it and talking about sending it back. Why? I'm honestly just curious. Does anyone have anything positive to say about the s24 ultra? 
Galaxy S24
Alot of people on socialn social media are influencers and got free stuff from Samsung. I sent my s24 back cause the phone screens colors are so poor it gave me a headache.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24
That's fair. And I do notice most of the things people are saying. I just feel like maybe it's good to wait a while because I'm sure there will be updates to fix most of the issues that can be fixed. Although I do see the point that it is a very expensive phone and if you aren't happy with it then you shouldn't have to tolerate it! I just happen to really love mine!
Galaxy S24
If I'm not wrong, the same thing happened with the s23 ultra. At first it was not perfect but as you mentioned, Samsung will fix it with the updates. I am fascinated by how he takes the videos, the photos are no longer saturated that is why the colors look dull because we were already used to saturated colors.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24
Yes exactly! I see the flaws but it is a new phone so I'm going to give it time. All new phones have their issues but I think all things considered this phone is fantastic!
Galaxy S24
Exactly, and the good thing is that Samsung takes action on the matter, that's why they fixed the navigation bar. I have the blessing of having both at the same time, the S23 Ultra and the S24 Ultra. and well, you have to continue enjoying our phone. greetings God bless you.....
Galaxy S24
Personally? at first I did not like the navigation bars but it was already solved, of course with a third-party app but that is from the past.
Galaxy S24
I'm happy to read some positives about the S24 Ultra, and I will receive mine on the 21st, so I guess I'm lucky that, hopefully, a lot of these problems will already be fixed by Samsung. It is problematic that there's only a two-week window to send back your phone. It doesn't give you a long enough time.
I look forward to hopefully more people adding to this post. I love my S23 Ultra, but I was able to get a great deal; I like the S24 Ultra flat screen, the seven years of updates, Etc. Have a great day, everyone. Keep on posting so I can read them, LOL
Galaxy S24
I just got the s24 ultra on Friday and it's been nothing but a headache. The screen keeps flickering, no apps on the home screen and I have to go through settings to see them, I keep getting a message that One UI keeps stopping, and the phone runs hotter than my Starbuck coffee. I'm sending it back and hopefully the replacement will be better. I'll keep y'all updated.