Original topic:

My last Samsung phone and Samsung Product

(Topic created: Friday)
10 Replies
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S24
So I'm taking my ball and going home 'cause I don't have Ui7 yet. I'd rather have buggy software than something that just works. Is that what you're saying?
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S24

I can pretty much tell how old people are by their level of impatience.

Galaxy S24
No, what I am saying I was promised by Samsung that the updates would be coming each time new ones roll out and that they would be on time. I almost bought a Pixel phone but I spent the money on this one instead. I spent it on two of them, my wife has one. I knew the specs aren't really much different and I had been a Samsung user for a while now. I have Samsung products that actually suck but their CS also actually has sucked, at least for me. I tried reaching out to them and they told me the update is out there and it is my carriers fault and not theirs that I don't have it. So they have not kept the promise they made after I spent 1000s of dollars for the two phones. They lied in their customer service (yes I checked my carrier about what they said). They continue to lie about when the updates are coming out. They do this all of the time. Did that answer your comment good enough or do you still wish to act like an a-hole and keep commenting negative and childishly on someone else's post. Here's a novel idea, if you don't like the **bleep**g post then maybe just move on. Thank you for your stupid remark.
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S24

You, personally, were promised? "On time" assumes they actually gave a date that the updates were available.  Such as if they said, all updates will be available to carriers on January 15 and June 15 of every year.  The fact is, they never provide a date, just affirmed how long support for any given device will be provided. Just because past practice may have been a more regular schedule of updates, does not mean that pattern will hold.  As tech gets more sophisticated, it's no easy task to work out all the bugs for every device and there is no accounting for PEBKAC.  Just because there is a beta UI floating around and a new device with the new UI *that it was built for* is out, does not mean it is ready for its debut on the world stage. Just because other manufacturers may have rolled out the new version of Android to their devices, doesn't mean Samsung is slacking.  It means that Samsung has more bells and whistles in their UI that needs to be integrated with Android.

Honored Contributor
Galaxy S24
Dude, if you don't want comments, don't post here.
Galaxy S24
Okay, thank you all for you patience with me and your comments. I believe it is my choice though, which I made before the article I posted came out. When I get a survey from tech support asking if my issue was resolved and I tell them no and so they contact me again and when I tell them again what my issue is they still blame it on the carrier. That happened three times before I told them to please stop contacting me to get a more positive response on their survey. They did. Yes, I was venting. When I see childish comments about my post I respond to that. When I see constructive comments, I appreciate those. But you are right. This is my first time posting without asking a question but just giving my 2 cents. I won't be posting again. Thank you for your feedback. I am curious how old the one person thinks I am since they said they can tell my age.
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S24

Certain generations, after "Jones", have mostly lived lives where they were given instant gratification when they wanted something because their parents did not want them to feel deprived.  Those of earlier generations usually had to have the patience to wait for things.  Either they had to save to buy things, or things just didn't exist yet and we had to wait for someone to invent them.  Even when it was invented, it was usually costly, again, meaning one had to save for it and wait.  Having several years of "free" updates was kind of unheard of as recently as 10 years ago.  Imagine if one didn't have to buy a new version of Windows or MacOS every time they came out with a new (and sometimes not improved) version.  

Galaxy S24
Well I'm from a generation and family of patience
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S24
Ui 7 is in beta 4 currently there has never been a set date for its release