Original topic:

I really think that Samsung should reopen the One UI 7 beta program.

(Topic created: 3 hours ago)
Galaxy S24
If it is still not ready 6 months after Android 15 was released then why limit the amount of people who can take part in the testing?
2 Replies
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S24
It's been in beta as they work out the bugs or issues on ui7 which many might not like how long it's been but I think it's good that the bugs are getting addressed instead of having possible issues
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24
You know that's a lie... Why would you say that? There's a Full Release that's been out on the S25 the moment it dropped and has received updates... And every questionable thing Samsung has done to try to force people to switch to the S25 ultra.. it's barely been a year their website says 24 Ultra Sold Out?? If you want the new software buy the new phone other wise S24 Release is April 18th and more devices in may