Original topic:

GPS location very unstable

(Topic created: 01-31-2024 06:42 AM)
Galaxy S24

Just got my S24 Ultra and started to use. The GPS is very important to us as we travel and hike very often. Also, we take many photos and geotag them so we can see where we've been. First thing I notice is that my location is jumping around in Google Maps! My location isn't even close to my home, and it looks like I'm in other people's yards and bouncing all over the place. The precise location NEVER locks! This also initially happened with my galaxy S22U, but was eventually fixed.

I used the GPSTest utility to look at the gps data and the satellite acquisition is poor. Most of the L5 satellites are missing and Beidou satellites are far and few between. The gps accuracy and speed are jumping all over the place. My S22U accuracy was fixed at 8.4ft and speed close to zero, since not moving. My S24U accuracy is bouncing all over but typically around 33ft, and my speed can reach 10mph! This is completely frustrating. Anyone else having this issue, or did I get a bad phone? Zoom in down to the outline of your home to see this problem on Google Maps. 
By the way, I tested the the gps location accuracy using the Samsung phone diagnostics and it said "normal". Normal compared to what? Samsung, I hope you're seeing this, and please fix asap. I will be returning this phone if this basic necessity can't be fixed, unfortunately.😞
203 Replies
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24
Mine was originally not working correctly like before, but then something happened a few hours after and it's been working normally since. However, I'm not hopeful it's fixed since I was seeing issues for a few hours after the new update. I was also seeing this behavior where it "fixes" itself for a little while then goes back to not working.
Galaxy S24
That's exactly the way mine behaved! Didn't work after update but later in day started working. Then, a few hours later it stopped working correctly. My wife's phone was the same way. I contacted Verizon this morning and have arranged for a return and exchange. I only had a few days left in their return policy and am hoping this issue was a manufacturing defect, and was corrected in this batch? If not, I might need to get an S23U as an intermittent gps is unacceptable. I have difficulty believing this wasn't observed during testing of final release candidate. It's such a basic but important function of all smartphones. I'm a manufacturing Engineer and the gps function would have a set of performance measures that would be tested in real use, as well as in thermal chambers and vibration tests, etc..... One thing I did notice is that my wife's phone sees more satellites than my phone, but issue still exists! Her case is very thin while mine is the larger Otterbox case.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24
What general part of the country are you located at? I'm in Northern Nevada, near Reno, but location shouldn't matter. Have you noticed that location accuracy is better at night?
Galaxy S24
I would think that location would matter, somewhat, since they aren't in a geosynchronous orbit. So, satellites ( with different capabilities) would be going in and out of view and having slightly different effects on the location calculations that we see displayed? That said, there should always be plenty of satellites in view to keep the position locked on a location, assuming our phones are working properly ( i.e HW and SW). Sorry for the long response, but I'm an Electrical Engineer with enough knowledge to be dangerous but no expertise to actually solve the problem. Long story short, there does appear to be times of day where accuracy is high but it seams to change over time. I can tell you that I have a Garmin 67i, for hiking, with multiband support and it locks in to 6ft of accuracy with no issues, all day and every day ( except in some types of canyons). When my phone is working it can lock in to 8.4ft of accuracy, on one axis, but when not working the accuracy is all over the place.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24
No worries, it's good that someone has a better idea what they are talking about. I just hope Samsung finally takes notice. I don't know if we are going to have to email tech outlets to finally get noticed or what.

That's how my phone has been acting lately too. I have screen recorded several clips of GPSTest and GPS Status to compare what's different. I don't know why sometimes the S24 fails to see many satellites that my other phones can see. Lately, it's been E1 and L5 not working. Sometimes it changes.

It's so sporadic. I've had issues over the years with Samsung devices and location accuracy, but this is the worst.

Also, when was your device manufactured? If it's a HW issue, then maybe it can be narrowed down by the manufacture date.
Galaxy S24

I have the same issue I use the phone for UBER and this is frustrating. 

Galaxy S24
Ugh, I'm so sorry to hear this! I hope this issue gains traction, but I am not hopeful anymore. I will receive a replacement S24U next week and will update with my experience. Crossing my fingers but expecting no change.
Galaxy S24

Glad to see it isn't just me with this problem. Hope they sort it 

Galaxy S24

I'm having a similar GPS issue with my S24 (base model not Ultra).

GPS chip barely seems to work, can see very few satellites, often think the phone is moving around when it is on a table. Google maps thinks I'm driving the entire time I am at home, even at night while the phone is charging, because the GPS often thinks I am moving at 10 km/h more more.

My S10 can use/see 14/28 satellites at my desk while my S24 is lucky to see 10 with the phones side-by-side.

I chatted with Samsung and they had me reset a bunch of settings but nothing made it better so they told me to take it to a repair shop.

So is this a problem with all S24 models that will eventually be fixed, or is mine broken and needs to be replaced. Seems like a replacement is in order but figured I would ask.

Galaxy S24

You have me curious now. How are you testing this? Where are you seeing this? Couldn't find anything in phone settings. Are you using a different app?

Galaxy S24 Ultra, Active4